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I gazed out at the small garden that sat below my room. Waiting for Nurse Rita to finish poking my arm with a needle. Sighing wistfully as I watched other patients with their families strolling along the walkways. With my body being as weak as it is, I'm hardly allowed to leave this sterilized prison. All I wanted from life was to go out and experience the world for myself. I'm a grown woman of 22 years and yet I have not experienced anything outside of this hospital.

"Alright Aria. You are good to go. Your family will be in soon. Here is your call light and I will see you later when I bring in your lunch." The grandmotherly Nurse Rita patted my shoulder gently before leaving the room to go check on the other patients in this particular hallway.

Not bothering to respond, I go back to watching the people who had the pleasure of going outside. If I wasn't cursed with such a weak body, I could be out there too.

The door opening to my room catches my attention fleetingly until I become disinterested once more. "Good afternoon, peanut. How are you feeling today?" Mother asks as she smooths down the bird nest that had become my hair.

Not interested in a long conversation, I give out a simple, "Fine, Mother." Furrowing my brows when she tugs a bit too harshly on an particularly stubborn knot.

"Well, I am only here for a short visit. I'll be back later today with your sister. But your father wanted me to drop this off." She placed a medium sized package on my lap wrapped in a shiny blue wrapping paper.

As I tore apart the paper she explained the contents within. "Since your father got a promotion at work he thought he would get you a little treat. It's the latest interface game. I know you said the other games don't interest you much but I think you will change your mind on this one.

In this game you can fully experience the game world as if it were real. And the best part, there are multiple worlds for you to visit. Your father and I thought it would cheer you up and get you out of this room. So to speak." Mother rung her coat in between her hands.

Flipping the gaming package over to read the summary of the game, a small smile flits over my lips before it disperses. Handing the game back to her, "I am grateful, Mother. Really. But I imagine that this game was horribly expensive. You shouldn't have spent more of your savings on me, especially since you and father are working continuously to save for my operation." Fingers gracing over the new gaming equipment still in the box.

Mother quickly handed the game back as she went a bit pale, "It was a gift from your Father's boss. When your Father landed them that new account, his boss insisted in paying your father back in some small way. Of course his boss caught wind of you being in the hospital, and well he insisted on gifting you this small appreciation gift. It would be terribly rude for us to give it back. Please don't make us lose face, peanut."

So this is nothing more than a pity gift. Not even from my own family either. " Alright, Mother. If I don't end up liking this new game, I'll just let Jackie have it instead." I guess there would be no harm in trying out this new interactive game.

Mother beamed as she set the game back in the box. Kissing my forehead then making her way out of the room, "That's the spirit. I am sure one of the nurses will be able to help you set it up. I'll see you later. Have fun!" She waved once. Quickly striding out of view.

Sighing more heavily as though the interaction took a lot out of me I peruse through the set up of the console. It seemed rather easy. All I had to do was set up the charging dock on the dresser nearby, a cord extended out if I wanted to charge the headset while still being immersed in the game. The game snapped into the leading dock on the charging station.

The jewelry like hand sets, had 5 small adjustable rings and a larger 6th adjustable ring, all interconnected. 1 ring for each finger and 1 to lay around the wrist. Putting them on, I admire just how comfortably they lay on both of my hands.

While the head gear charged I read up more on the game. It was the first interactive game of it's kind. Anticipated among the masses, the game sure to go down in history as a pioneering game. Not only could the game visit multiple worlds, in some of the worlds their characters are given backstories and memories.

The game concept no doubt taken from the popular idea of transmigration. Not going to lie, I was actually looking forward to playing this game. Lady luck sure indeed smiled down on Father. Many had bought the game but only 50,000 people in the entire world will be chosen to participate in the first week, so not overload the servers and to make final tweaks to the gaming experience. So not everyone logging onto the game will actually get in within the first opening of the game.

The game also had the state of the art translating programs. As long as you entered your first language that is what you would hear being spoken in the game. Making communication possible for Everyone participating.

Luckily for me, the launch of the game didn't happen for another couple of hours. So I had plenty of time for the headset to charge and then make my first character before the start of the game.

Nurse Rita came in to drop off my lunch and pick up the dirty dishes afterwards. Soon enough the headset was charged and ready to go. At the initial start the headset scanned my retinas, then rested comfortably on my forehead and circling around my cranium.

Starting the link I find myself in an empty room. A mechanic voice following the procedure of showing me to work the controls. After that a screen popped up for character customization. According to the controls I could change any aspect of my character except for my eyes. Which were remaining my usual green.

Not caring about how I would look in the game, I press the randomization option. Ending up with a 5' 3" lithe looking elf. With long silvery hair that reached to the lower back. Next choosing the pathway for my character to take in the first world.

The options ranged from Knight class, to the Black Smith class. Out of all the pathways the beast tamer pathway appealed to the most to me. Clicking the beast tamer logo to solidify my choice. I could always end up changing it later but I doubt I would.

The area surrounding my person went dark as I waited to see if I would be among the 50,000 to get chosen to participate within the first week. I didn't have to wait long as my head went fuzzy and the next time I opened my eyes I stood in the middle of a large crowd that had many people still spawning in.

A message popping up on my personal terminal. Reading, Congratulations! You are one of 50,000 randomly selected to participate in the starting week of 'Prism Realms'. As a courtesy gift we are rewarding you 1,000 gold pieces, 500 spirit points, and 1 free skill. The free skill redeemable at the start of the second world. Thank you for participating in 'Prism Realms' opening day.

My pointed ears twitched with excitement as I took in the rest of my surroundings. Many different types of creatures besides elves and humans spawning in the beginning city. All of us just starting our journey. And for once my weak body wasn't holding me back.

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