Chapter 22

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Haldis entwined our fingers, lightly pulling me through the crowd that had gathered around us. "Please clear the dance floor, it is time for the first dance as husband and wife," Orion's voice cut through the drum of noise.

The crowed thinned and parted like the sea to let my husband lead me to the dance floor. Clutching my hand in a grasp he led me to where I was pacing out then circled back into his arms. The musicians began to play a slow song.

Haldis pulled me closer into his embrace. Naturally taking the lead he slowly led me through a simple waltz. Spinning us in elegant circles around the floor. "I didn't get a chance to tell you earlier, but you look absolutely breathtaking, my love." My husband spun me out into a few twirls before pulling back in to resume our dance.

Blushing I duck my head, "Thank you, my heart," giving my husband a shy smile. Haldis cooed over my demeanor.

The song changed into a faster pace from the slow waltz tempo it had been before. Grinning cheekily, my husband scooped me up without any trouble to twirl us around in quick circles. By the time he set me back on my feet the world spun in lazy circles in my vision.

"Do you mind if I cut in?" My brother's voice cut through the tilting atmosphere.

My husband gently guided me towards my brother's outstretched hand, "Of course, Brother in law." Haldis smiled at us as he left to rejoin our friends.

Rin scoffed with a twitch of his lips, there being no heat behind his scoff. My brother stayed in place, leading us in a sway as we watched the people around us having fun. "Thank you, for giving me away." Making eye contact with my brother.

Gracing me with a small smile, he pulled me closer for a hug, "I am glad that you were able to find happiness, even while here in the game."

"Kind of hard not to, when not only our friends were pushing for it, but the man himself was quite persistent as well." We chuckled at my words, my brother's quiet laugh vibrating through his chest.

Sobering up as we threw a fond look at our ragtag family, "Too true, little sister." The rest of our dance was a silent one, not needing further words to express our emotions to one another.

As the dance neared to the end, dozens of voices all clamored together, whisperings rising to a louder volume. Everyone looking to a certain direction. There at the edge of the reception tent was nonother than, ex-councilman Dex, here for his revenge no doubt.

Seeing our ex friend here worried me. Glancing to where my husband stood with our family, I could tell by the clench of his jaw and how he was clenching his fists, he had spotted the traitor among the crowd.

Glancing at my brother, I knew he had the same exact thought. Moving through the crowd on the dance floor, we intercepted our family just as they too broke through the crowd, standing before the traitor as a united front.

Grabbing my husband's arm, I held him back from trying to do anything stupid, like lunging at Dex. "What are you doing here, DeX? You are no longer welcome here." Orion's voice cold as he addressed the person in front of us.

The former Lord Fire gave a malicious grin as his eyes promised retribution, "I came for my pound of flesh that I am owed."

Haldis made a move to step forward, but my grip on his arm, had him pausing for a second. "I was the one who took away your title, stole your companion, and yet you insisted on coming after my wife. I wouldn't have cared if you had only come after me. But you attempted to tarnish my wife's reputation. You attempted to break us apart, but nothing worked, and now you come here." Haldis lifted my hands off from his arm, kissing my knuckles, then moving away.

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