Chapter 2

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As a group we hunted the monsters lurking in the forest for what seemed a few hours. Wracking in quite a few useless items that I could probably get some coins for, or see if they had the potential to be used as materials. Along with picking up about 20 gold pieces from the monster drops.

Heading back into town the group chatted admirably with one another, leaving Rin and I once more silent as we took up the rear of the group. Since our awkward conversation Rin had hardly spoke another word. Preferring to keep silent. Not that I minded.

Keeping out of the way as the group checked out different baubles and equipment a flash on my gaming streak catches my attention. Furrowing my brow I tap on the screen to pull it into view. Reading the notice with a growing dread in the pit of my stomach. By the time I finished a light sweat had broken out along the skin of my forehead.

Turning to the only person that had made me feel safe so far, the worry emanating through my being catches their attention. His eyes full of curiosity, "Rin, read the notification." My voice wavering as it doesn't rise above a whisper.

As a reply he brings up his own notification message. Eyes flitting over the words as his being goes into an unnatural level of stiffness. The scales of his face becoming a dull red as the blood flowed from them. His worried gaze meeting mine, fear creeping in as the news had fully yet to sink in.

Disbelief flooding through my mind as I sought the solace from my self proclaimed sibling, "It can't be true. Can it?" I shouldn't have come into this game. I never should have put on the headset. I shouldn't even had accepted the game in the first place.

His shrug breaking off a piece of my hope as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. The effects of this game are just too amazing, as I caught one of the tears on my finger. Watching the crystal liquid flow downward with gravity.

Rin unexpectedly brought me into his arms. Awkwardly patting my head in what seemed to be an attempt to sooth my tears. A hoarse sound between a chuckle and a sob broke through my throat as I buried my face against his chest, soaking the fabric of his exposed shirt with my tears.

"I'll protect you, little sister." His arms pulling me into a deeper hug. My sobs soon died down to mere whimpers.

My hysterics caught the attention of the rest of the group as they tried to ask what was wrong. Rin shook his head only letting the word notification slip out, refusing to talk further as he continued to attempt to comfort my shaking form.

The consuming silence stifling until it was shattered by cries of outrage. They had fully read the notification.

Each second that passed only cemented it further into my mind, my hope that this is all a dream waned.

The notification reading, 'We regret to inform you that on this day of the launch of Prism Realms, faulty bugs in the coding have been found. Due to this, the logout button does not exist. Since the program is semi intelligent and is ever evolving it will take time to try and fix the situation. Do enjoy the rest of your experience in the first world, Chaos Realm, until the problem is resolved. Thank you.'

Until the bugs were fixed everyone that had successfully logged in today were stuck, for who knows how long. As I stood in Rin's embrace paralyzed, the screams throughout the town grew in an ever increasing volume. More people had read the notification.

A roar of outcry of rage and despair rang unending. A ringing within my ears becoming a result of the sheer intensity from the cries around us. Just as suddenly the cries rose they were silenced.

The silence due to the executives forcefully bring up everyone's personal terminal to play a video. Cued by the soundtrack of the game. The video giving glimpse of the different possible worlds to visit. The first being the 'Chaos Realm', showing all the different races you could play as then cutting to a scene of a battle with one of the bosses.

The second world showing seven or eight different classes of warriors, each with unique powers. Going head to head in what looked like an arena. The scenery changed once more showing people with bird like wings soaring through the sky. The rest of the video showing pieces of different worlds until the end where a young man sat looking regretful.

His dark eyes holding sorrow along with the regret, "I am one of the creators of this game. We had built this game with the idea to revaloutionize the way people play games by fully immersing them in an world of wonder. In order to give each player a unique experience the source coding had been program to have a semi-conscious. An intelligence if you will. A few bugs have popped up unexpectedly, causing a series of problems that my team has been working on nonstop since we found out.

The more we try to fix the problem the more the consciousness of the game takes over and rebels. Therefore there is only one solution. When the program was first created I had placed a kill switch. A secret backdoor if you will. The kill switch does not exist in reality, it completely resides within the game. What you have to do is play, play through all of the worlds provided and collect 14 different keys. These keys will either be your saving grace or your destruction. Collect the keys and insert them in a specialized alter. Only then can the kill switch be activated. Good luck and God speed."

The video cut off, leaving only stunned silence in its wake. The glitch keeping us here would exist until the worlds were completed and the kill switch activated? There isn't any other option?

If I had thought the cries before were loud, they had nothing on the yelling, screaming, and crying that took place after people broke out of their artificial stupors. It was so loud that I flinched burying my face further into my self-proclaimed adopted brother's chest.

"How am I meant to survive? The game could possibly kill me and if the game doesn't get me. The cancer surely will in reality." I murmured to myself in disbelief.

"What?" Rin leaned closer. I don't know if he was questioning what I said or if he wanted me to repeat it. Shaking my head I don't comment, gaze flicking over the crowds of people in obvious distress.

The cancer had slowed at first, making my chances of surviving excellent. My dreams and hope within reach. I was so happy hearing about my excellent chances. But within the last year it became more aggressive. The supportive therapy and the growth factors helped but they could only slow the cancer for so long.

The doctors now estimate that I have at most three to four years left to live. Any accidents could cause my lifespan to shorten. The only cure is for a stem cell transplant but my family isn't able to afford the transplant.

I'm living on borrowed time already. What will happen to my father? My mother? And my little sister? Both of my parents already worked an excessive amount just to provide for all the expenses of my care while saving every penny they could on the off chance that they would be able to afford the transplant before my expiration date.

Now that I'm stuck in this game, knowing them they would completely blame themselves. Father would stay at work, not daring to come hope while mother might turn back to drinking just to try and dull the pain.

If that happened who would take care of my sister? She was only thirteen, she still needed to be looked after. They would unintentionally neglect her. I can't let that happen! I need to get out of here and back to reality as quickly as I can.

If we can survive this game maybe the company will compensate all of those who make it out. Which with the cry of outrage not just here but in reality too. The will without a doubt compensate all those involved.

And when they do there is a chance that they just might be able to cover the transplant costs. Saving my life and in turn saving my family. Even if there is just a chance, even if it is a slim one for my stem cell transplant to be fully covered or even mostly covered. Then it is a chance I cannot pass up under any circumstances.

In order for that to happen I'm going to have do my best to survive. If there is indeed a glitch in this game living after being killed is not guaranteed and that guy never said anything about the people being killed off in the game returning to reality.

I will stay in this game as long as possible and return to my family. I will train and fight my way to the top, becoming strong is not an option and I refuse to hide away like a coward. No offense to those who will. But if there is a chance that I will die I want to do it on my terms.

And in order to do that I need to become stronger.

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