Chapter 3

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As I had promised myself I strived to grow stronger, along with my group. We haven't become an official guild as of yet as we are short of funds. But we almost have the required amount. Time was a funny concept here as no one actually knew how much time has passed ever since we became stuck in the game.

However progress has been made, currently level 5 has opened up, and through trials players have figured out that they could only level up by two levels. A restriction that has caused no end of frustration to all players.

Currently our group was making their way through a newly opened path rumored to be only accessible for beast tamers. And I was positively sure that we were lost.

Spying a familiar tree my exasperation rose to a whole new level, "Are you sure that we are on the right path. I swear we saw that same exact tree fifteen minutes ago. We are going in circles." Turning my complaints to the ring leader of this expedition, Orion.

"For the hundredth time, yes, I am positive that we are on the right path. We just need to find—" He glanced around while consulting his map, "The path guardian."

Huffing I roll my eyes at our leader, "What guardian?" How hard is it to find a pathway?

"The lad is talking about me." An unknown voice spoke, startling our entire group. Ten feet away sat a wild looking man on top of a boulder, guarding the entrance to a menacing looking forest path. Two totems marking the start of the path way.

Cautiously our group moved forward to stand before the guardian. "Do you wish to embark on the hidden beast tamer path?" His eyes becoming a glowing blue. We all gave an affirmative. "Very well. Be forewarned. On this journey you must travel alone, on this path you will be tested for the strength of your heart and your resolve. One misstep and you shall be punished, hold true and you may find a treasure you seek.

Those who wish to continue step forward onto the path. Heed well, and be warned once you step onto this path there is no going back until your journey is completed." He finished speaking and went silent, keeping his state on the 10 of us.

Fidgeting I glance over to Rin, sensing my stare he patted my head. Offering a bit of comfort. Taking a deep breath I make my way through the gate, passing the guardian, with the rest of the group. As I stepped past the totem pole a thick fog rose up. Blinding me to the surroundings.

Turning in a circle I try to call out to all of the members within my group. I don't know if my voice echoed or if the fog blocked my call from spreading out. Panicking I attempt to bring up my personal terminal to send out a message to anyone, but the messaging was blocked. It probably wouldn't be restored until I got out of this quest.

The quest, 'Take a lone journey', blazing prominently at the top of my quest list. Steeling my nerves as I attempt to calm myself. I can do this. I have grown stronger from the time I first entered into the game. I must hold onto my resolve, I will make it to the end of this journey.

Nodding to myself I summon a single bladed whip, clutching the end tight in my hand I take a step forward followed by another step. My eyes always darting around, searching for possible danger.

The further I traveled down my path the more the fog dispersed, clearing the view of the path and the surrounding trees. My nerves eased significantly as I was able to view my surroundings again. Hopefully the others are alright and nothing bad has befallen them. Of course each are strong in their own right.

Fearful squeaks brings me out of my musings, searching for the noise my eyes drift downwards. Making eye contact with a baby reptile. Small leathery wings fidgeting on its back and what appeared to be two stubby horns slowly growing through its head had me pausing.

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