Chapter 4

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Realizing what I was doing I jerked back, though the dragon didn't seem peeved in the slightest. Relaxing I search through my inventory for an appropriate reward, as the dragon did save my life.

At the smell of cooked meat its head perked up, the dragon salivating and its teeth gently closed on the offered treat. Being careful not to harm the hand offering the treat. The dragon emanated a deep growling noise from its chest as it licked its lips in delight. The sound closely resembling a cat's purr.

"Looks like you were successful in your adventure." A voice from behind startled me as I jerked around to face them. The guardian NPC stood proudly as his gaze flitted between me and dragon.

"What do you mean by that?" Baffled about the entire situation.

The man grinned as he gestured to the dragon watching the interaction, "You didn't have to save the hatchling. Her family had been scouting for her and had come upon her the moment you did. They watched as you defended the hatchling and followed as you took her back to the nest. It seems as though one of the dragons within the family chose to bond with you. Good job dragon tamer."

After he spoke the quest completion showed up on screen. 'Congratulations! An adult Male Ice dragon has bonded with you. Dragon tamer achievement unlocked! You have obtained complete Ice dragon hide armor, twin dragon fang whips, 5 Dire wolves pelts, dire wolves fangs, 10 Ice Crystal's, 5 Ice dragon scales, and 25,000 gold coins.

Would you like to name your dragon?'

Pressing yes, I wait until a box pops up, typing in Jasper.

'Your dragon is now named Jasper.' By pressing confirm I had officially named the Ice dragon.

The NPC turned around calling back over his shoulder, "Alright, follow me and I'll lead you back to the entrance of the path." Trotting to keep up with the guardian, wishing he would shorten his strides length just a bit as I had very short legs.

A tug on the scruff of my equipment caught me off guard until I was lugged into the air, hanging as though I was a kitten being carried by the mother cat. My upper armor taking a few points of piercing damage from Jaspers teeth.

Struggling to squirm my way out of the hold, I feel as though my dragon was amused by my actions as he hummed, "Jasper, let me down! This isn't funny. Jasper!"

"Don't worry about it Dragon Tamer. Him carrying you like a child means he's already attached to you. His kind are quite loyal." The guardian spoke without looking back to see what was happening.

Huffing like a child throwing a temper tantrum, I cross my arms over my chest as I pout. "Anything else I should know about?"

Gruff laughter echoed, "Probably, but you will find out in due time." This man knew exactly to what I was referring too but he refused to fully answer my question.

Giving up with a groan I go limp in Jasper's hold. At least I didn't have to continue trotting after our guide. Jasper hummed again as he moved his head to the side, setting me in a gap between his shoulder blades, right between his wings. He only let go once he was sure I was situated.

The mist came back full force making it difficult to see anything further than the guide's back. After a few steps in the fog it dispersed. Leaving the three of us at the entrance of the pathway.

'Achievement unlocked: Journey Complete'

"Sister." Drifted in the air, leaning around Jasper's neck to make eye contact with my adopted brother. Only to find him beside a dark gray dragon.

The sight was so absurd that the force of my laughter almost knocked had me falling off of Jasper's back. "A draconian a dragon tamer. A dragon the master of another dragon." I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up from my throat.

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