Chapter 12

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After a week of avoiding Orion and especially Ursa like the plague, the day finally came where I couldn't avoid them. The day where we were assessing new members for the guild.

We would be assessing 200 people and there wasn't a set amount of people that were allowed in. The number always varied like the answers they gave. We were looking for certain traits and if the person had those traits they were admitted. Simple as that.

The chamber was large, allowing all of our dragons to enter and lay behind our seats. Though they were laying in a darkened part of the room, only enough light to see their figures, not their colors. Our robes hid our identities as the hoods covered our faces but didn't obstruct our view.

I usually say near Ursa but today Rin sat near Orion and I sat on the other side of Rin. Forcing Ursa to sit between Orion and DeX. From her slumped shoulders I could tell she was pouting but I wanted to drive home the last part of the message.

Many had come but so far only half of those being assessed were being admitted. The day was going right so far until a familiar face stepped into the room. Walk to where he was shown where to stand before the council.

Nudging my brother in the ribs, his body unnoticeably leaned towards my direction. Speaking low so only he would hear our conversation, "That's the crazed stalker fan. The one who had slammed me into a wall. I swear he was begging silently to die that day."

Rin's figured stiffened but no one was able to tell. I could only tell as I spent every day with the guy and I knew his habits and ticks by heart. And with the way my brother was sitting he wanted this man dead. Twelve feet under because six feet wasn't good enough.

Orion cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the room. "State your name, your previous guild and the reason you wish to join the Dragon Alliance guild."

The stalker man stood haughty in front of the council, "My name is Shinvr from the Howling Riverbeasts guild. And I am joining this guild to increase my power. Plus it doesn't hurt that the person I'm going to force to court me is here in this guild as well." The man proudly spoke without tact.

"Is that your only reason for joining?" Rin cut in.

Shinvr the creep swiveled around to face us, a sneer of disrespect clear on his lips. "Yeah. What of it?"

Rin placed his hands on the table that arced in front us, fully preparing to stand. "UH! WH-Aat are you goals if you do gain entry into the guild?" Orion interrupted before things could get out of hand.

The sleezeball fixed his position once more, folding his arms across his chest as he puffed himself up to look more intimidating. "Nothing much. Just hoard money, gain power, intimidate my foes, make weakling bow before me, and force the hand of a girl to be mine."

Could he give a more horrible answer? Probably. No need to tempt it.

"What are your plans for battle? As you know that the Dragon Alliance guild is called upon frequently to the front lines?" Orion's voice flattened from the man's last answer.

The man snorted at the end of a scoff, "I don't plan on being on the front lines."

Orion clapped his hands, "I think we have heard everything we needed to hear." His tone sporting coldness.

Stalker fan clapped his own hands I excitement, "Alright. Where do I sign or accept." Already searching his terminal for the invitation.

Rin held back a short as a small sound escaped him, "No, you misunderstood. We are moving onto the next part of the interview." My brother moved to stand.

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