Chapter 26

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The next few days were awkward with the tension slowly dying down as we got to know our new charges and them getting to know us.

The beginning of the day started in the same routine that we had built. Breakfast being a quiet affair, Haldis kissing each of us on the forehead before he left for his office. Paperwork wouldn't complete itself.

Though today I hoped to break the routine we had set, clearing off the dishes with the help of the children. "Would you three like to come to the training field with me today?" Leaving the decision up to them, it was all about their comfort after all.

The children froze as they stared as if I were a three eyed creature. Quinn being the first to speak, "You really want us around? For real?"

The question caught me off guard. As I stood frozen in my own confusion, tears gathered in their eyes as they mistook my silence as rejection. Panic took over as I scooped the three into a tight embrace, "Oh honey, of course I want you around. We both do." Knowing Haldis would be in complete agreement if he were still home.

The children's soft sniffling slowly faded as they pressed themselves closer to the comfort I was offering. "How about this, my darlings? We go to the practice field for a bit and then go on a picnic, we'll even force your father to abandon his paperwork for a bit. Hmmm, how does that sound?"

The children cheer as they shoot off to get ready for the day. Lightly chuckling, I send off a message to my husband about the impromptu picnic.

Him getting back in record time, going on about how it was a marvelous idea. He proposed to have it in the same place we had become engaged, writing to not worry about the food as he would take care of it. Agreeing about the meeting place, I dismiss my terminal in favor of getting ready myself.

Soon enough we were headed to the training grounds. The children in awe as trainees and subordinates would stop to salute as we passed. I nodded acknowledgement to their salutes, not stopping until we stepped onto the training field.

Leading my gaggle over to the practice weapons, letting them pick out whatever their heart desired. Each made of wood, so it was safe for them to handle.

Their enthusiasm for learning new techniques astounded me as they joined in on the drills, doing their best to keep up with the rest of the squadrons. The drills flew by and ended. The children groaned, wanting to keep going, perking up when I reminded them it was time for the picnic.

With renewed energy they quickly put away their dummy weapons. Enthusiastically following me to where the picnic would be held.

"What's special about where we are going?" Fallon pipping up unexpectedly.

Fondness and nostalgia leaking through as I remembered the proposal, "It is where your father proposed to me. Ever the romantic, your father. He wanted to add another sweet memory to the place that already means the world to us. But this time, our world will be with us." Their little faces reddened as they shifted their gazes away from mine.

The silence remained unbroken as we continued our journey. Breaking through to the location the children prepared to launch themselves forward in excitement. Something wasn't right. Holding them back, I scanned the surroundings. Not able to put my finger on what was bothering.

Inching them back, we took steps away when rogue ruffians popped out of hiding. "Oh, look here, boys, we have a pretty family ripe for the napping, we do."

Not wanting to alert our attackers, I tugged on the bond connecting to Jasper. Urging him to us. "Shut it, Sid. Let's just get this job over with. I hate coming into this guild's territory. Bunch of freaks they are." The supposed leader spouted.

The children trembled behind me as they clutched onto my shirt, afraid of the intruders. Turning to briefly lock eyes, "Don't worry. I'll protect you. Just be ready to run at any moment, my darlings." Gently brushing off their fear filled grips.

Ice Fang flashing into my palm as I placed myself between my family and the ruffians. Their whimpers forging a burning fire deep in my belly. Must protect what is mine.

"Oh ho! We have a fighter here, boss." The third thug licked his lips. Holding back a cringe of disgust, I widen my stance in preparation for a fight.

The so-called boss signaled, "Enough. Just go after her."

This wasn't going to be a simple battle of power, rather a battle of time.

Slowing the rate of each breathe I waited for them to enter my optimal range of attack before striking out. Wrapping the closest in Ice Fang, with a flick of the wrist to send them careening away in a flurry of ice. My arms jolting as they locked to hold Ice Fang taut, keeping the rapier from piecing my flesh.

Shoving the man away, I lean back to kick him in the ribs, hearing a satisfying crack as he drops down like a sack of potatoes. Tilting my head to side to dodge a clip point blade. Skipping back to put more distance between us as Ice Fang traveled forward to slice into his cheek with a spray of blood.

The man growled as he touched his cheek, fingers slick with his blood. Baring his teeth in a snarl he charged head on. Eyes blazing, intent to kill.

My children cried out, shouting my name, and a single word caught my attention, "MOMMY!" Causing my head to swivel, not just because of the M word, but to make sure they weren't under attack while my attention had been drawn elsewhere.

Breathing out in relief as they were unharmed, their eyes filled with fear as their tiny ribcages heaved to take in extra oxygen in their panic. In my distraction I forgot the most important rule of engagement.

Never take your eyes off your opponent.

Pain radiated from my side, as a knife was jabbed deep. My breath stolen away from the sheer surprise. The thug screaming in triumph as my children cried out.

My world became foggy as my senses dulled. The blade must have been coated in a sort of drug or poison. Two things were clear in my muddled state as all my fight left, my reactions sluggish.

One the ruffians were laughing, intent to corral the little ones. And two, Jasper had arrived. Announcing his presences with ferocious growls.

The men jumping away to avoid sharp teeth.

Struggling to lift my head, I do my best to make eye contact with my children, "Go. Go find your father." My chest heaved painfully, struggling to be loud enough in my command, "JASPER!"

Understanding my intent, Jasper scooped up the small forms. Taking off in a fury of wing strokes.

The brutes relaxing when Jasper gained distance as he flew away. "It must be our lucky day, capturing the Ice Queen, it was so easy it was laughable." One of them chortled.

The leader scuffed this underling on the head, "It was easier as she was protecting fledglings, you moron. If she were by herself, then it would have been a different matter. Let's get out of here before someone comes to her rescue. We need to be long gone in a matter of minutes."

"Whatever you say, boss." Another saluted. Picking up my weak bloody form, "She's quite valuable, huh, boss? If were getting this much gold just to kidnap her. Perhaps we can use her body before we sell her?" The one carrying me smacked his lips in a disgusting manner.

"We'll discuss this later. Knock her out. I can still see her struggling to remain conscious." The leader commanded in retort.

My head felt light, full of cotton as my brain swam with dizziness from blood loss as rivulets continued to seep out of my wound, the drugs spreading further through my bloodstream. Shaking my head to fight to remain awake was futile as one of the thugs rounded behind the one carrying me.

Our glares crossing briefly as his fist hit my temple. Lights out, my last thought being of gratitude that my family was able to escape.

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