Chapter 24

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The caretaker who had introduced herself as Shila, strode into the living room where a large majority of the children played. "There are a little over fifty children here. There were more but some were luckier than others to get taken in by other players." Her meaning clear, not every child was able to survive the monsters that lurked about.

Hearing the voice of their guardian the children glanced up to see who she was with, to go back to the activity they were participating in. Only to jerk their head back up with wide eyes when they realized who she was with.

The buzz of voices increasing in volume when the children vibrated with excitement, chatting with their friends as they kept stealing obvious glances in our direction. Others just plain staring with their mouths hanging open.

The caretaker basked in the attention directed at her, not minding if was coming from little children. Her chest puffed out slightly as she stood taller, trying to compete with our heights.

The ego inflated woman jabbered on about the different kids, always circling around to her obvious favorites. Smiling at them and sending a wink like she knew they were going to be the ones picked.

I lost interest in her words, preferring instead to study the children as they began to ignore us. The thrill finally wearing off. A sliding door was opened to reveal a large back yard where three children huddled together. One of them reading from a book, the other two listening and hanging off every word.

A feeling of familiarity sang through my blood as I recognized them as the children who were being bullied. Giving them tokens of living ice. At the children's home, it appeared as though they were outcasts, alone among dozens of children. Only each other for company and family.

A fact I wanted to change starting this moment.

Haldis noticed my fixed gaze as he interrupted the spiel being spilled from the blonde's mouth, "What about those three children, sitting on the grass outside?" He gestured to the opened door.

Shila stiffened as she stared at the three huddled children, sneering for a moment before it vanished, having been replaced with a shrill laugh. Trying to make eye contact with my husband from through her lashes, I thought she just appeared crazy, "They are the loners of the facility, complete nobodies, there are plenty of vibrant happy children here. I am positive you don't want to adopt those troubled children." She bit her bottom lip, appearing despite and not appealing in the slightest.

"You couldn't be more mistaken, Debbie." An obvious insult as it wasn't even close to her name. Her mouth fell open as my veiled hostility. She stepped back as I stepped closer to her person, "You are only a caretaker here. Easily replaced with another who will have all the children's best interest in mind" Her face whitening at them mention of replacement, "Now ready the paperwork. If there is a single error on the paperwork or procedure, it will be on your head." Spitting the last words out with sheer venom and contempt for her person.

My husband cooing over my behavior further bringing down the blonde's demeanor as her shoulders visibly slumped, "Isn't my wife the cutest? Already so protective over our soon to be children." Adoration shined in every part of his expression.

The downtrodden caretaker scurried from the room, my beloved chortled as she left. "My wife is too adorable, scaring the help like that."

"I am known as the Ice Queen after all." Giving him a playful roll of my eyes.

Together we walked out of the door and towards the children, our approach catching their attention. The one reading closed her book and set it down.

We stopped a couple of feet short of standing before them, "Hello, my name is Ashalle, and this is my husband Haldis" Who gave a polite greeting, "We were wondering if you would like to be adopted by us?"

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