Chapter 27

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The painful yanking of my hair brought me to wakefulness. Hissing out my discomfort to cross glares with the woman behind the scheme.

"I wanted her in a near dead state when she was to be brought to me!" The woman who conspired to break Haldis and I up, yelled at the thugs she hired. "Was that not clear enough?" Pieces of my hair were yanked out of my skull as she threw me away.

"Apologies, mistress. We were distracted by her dragon, and the need to have a quick getaway." The leader stepped forward, making sure to keep his eyes level with the ground.

The lady growled as she harshly kicked my sore ribs. "Where are her brats?" Turning around as if they would pop out of thin air on her command.

The lead thug hesitated, perhaps fearing his mistress's anger, "There were complications. We were only able to secure Lady Frost." His underlings trembling at the wrath the vile woman would instill.

She whirled around to scratch bloody claw marks down his face with her talon like nails, "Complications? Complications!" She hissed. "What's complicated is that I was promised wealth, prestige, power from that idiotic councilman! But his plan fell through."

As she rambled, I was able to maneuver my dead arm to the gaping wound at my side, fingers glittering with ice crystals, hoping to slow the continuous bleeding by freezing the obscene cut.

Footsteps echoed as the last of the ice took root and my side numbed from the cold. A booted foot kicked me onto my back, the woman putting pressure on my chest using her foot. Clawing at her covered ankle to relieve the pressure so I could take in a decent breath, "As it turns out, never send a man to do a woman's job. If I can't have what was promised to me, I'm taking the next best thing." Hazy green crossing with menacing filled blue. "My enemy humiliated and dead and being payed to do so." Her humorless laugh echoing in the dead space.

Removing her boot, she walked to what I assume was the exit, only turning to send out one last command to her henchmen, "Drug her and move her before her husband gets wind of where she is being kept. No mistakes." An open threat hanging heavily in the air as she swept out of the room in a flourish.

Feeling a gross sensation crawling up my throat, I jerkily clamber to my side, in time to spit out a glob of bright red. The taste of metallic on my tongue.

"She might not have long after all." One of the men quietly commented. Eyeing the small red puddle on the floor in distaste.

The leader sighed, pulling out a small vial, "Let's get this over with." Meaty fingers clamped onto my jaw, forcing them apart and dumping the liquid down my throat.

A hacking cough resounded as I choked on the liquid. My surroundings blurring out as sharp pricked stabbed into my skin. The sound of flesh ripping fading as I lost consciousness once more.

The next time I wake is to the sound of metal ringing through the air. The tell tale sounds of fighting and clashing. I wake to laying in the dirt, my body battered and perhaps broken, the sun blocked out by clouds, making it difficult to get an accurate read on time.

Familiar grunts echoing through the fog. Haldis had arrived. Struggling to lift my head, hacked up bodies were strewn on the ground. Lifeless.

Unable to support my neck any further my head dropped back to the ground with a dull thud. Eyes squeezing shut as nausea crept up my throat.

The sounds of fighting dying out with one last cry. Hands wrapped around my shoulders as they tried to shake me awake. A groan crawling its way out of my throat and into the air. Blinking rapidly to attempt to focus on Haldis' words. His lips forming into, stay awake.

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