Chapter 17

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When I was situated I knew he was going to question me about who was behind my kidnapping. Though luckily I didn't have to answer as the culprit slid out of the crime scene with perfect timing. Straightening up to appear more intimidating he pointed an accusing finger at Haldis, "You—you are the one trying to steal my soon to be wife. Give her back and I may yet let you live."

Haldis scowled as his weapon flashed into his hands, "She is not yours. She is her own person and she had entered into a formal courtship with me of her own accord. Now I will be taking her home and you will be locked away." He stalked forward, ready for battle. His mismatched gaze sweeping over his opponent and assessing his weaknesses like he was taught in training.

Stalker man summoning his own weapon, charging forward like a fool without taking stalk of his opponent. Just like Rin, Haldis subdued the incompetent man with a few well-placed strikes. Pinning him to the ground and pulling a rope out of storage to bind him with.

Haldis drug the man to Jasper's feet, tossing him down harshly as Jasper hissed and growled at the perpetrator. My suitor climbed up into the saddle, pulling me up to lay against this chest as he his arms wrapped securely around me. My head lulling on his shoulder. "Let's go Jasper. And don't forget the man tied up. He hurt your rider." Haldis instructed my companion.

Jasper growled louder as he snapped at the bound man, rearing up on his hind legs as he flapped his wings to get lift. Grabbing the man with his front claws as he completely left the ground. From the pained screams below us, Jasper had sunk his claws into the man's flesh to teach him a private lesson.

The haze coming back as I drifted in and out of consciousness on the ride back to the guild. Unable to think straight as Haldis continuously talked to me. Babbling about nonsense from what I was able to gather. I didn't respond to any of it as I couldn't focus enough to do so.

Unexpectedly I was taken from Haldis' arms, glancing up to find my brother worriedly checking over my body and alternating glaring at the man being dragged away kicking and screaming. "Make sure he is thrown into the dungeon to be put on trial." Haldis called after his feet touched the ground. Taking me back from Rin who never left my side, even as Haldis made a beeline for the infirmary.

As the drugs wore off and slowly left my system I kept alternating between awake and sleep. When I was lucid enough I always saw Haldis by my side. Never daring to stray far, keeping a hold of my hand with one of his. Sometimes I found him sleeping with his head laying on the bed by my side. His eyebrows scrunched as he slept. Then it wouldn't be long as I drifted back to sleep.

Of course the others visited but they never stayed long. The only one to stay a great length of time was my brother. As he would be seated on my other side. He would quietly talk or be reading when I woke up. Sometimes he would be gone only to reappear the next time I opened my eyes.

Managing to hang onto consciousness, opening my eyes when I felt another hand lightly squeeze my fingers. A glass of water immediately appearing in my vision has Haldis helped support my back so I could drink the cool liquid. Soothing my parched throat.

Setting the cup aside, he placed the pillows behind my back for more support as I sat propped up. Haldis took a seat by my legs, "How were you captured?"

"Please, let's not do this right now." My voice croaked as I pleaded.

The stress having built up, "I need to know. Please, to put my mind at ease." He placed a hand on top of mine where they lay on my lap.

Sighing I slump further back into the pillows, "I was drugged when on my way to the training grounds." He waited patiently as I took a breath, "The whole thing was set up by DeX. I found out he was stealing secrets and important documents from Orion's office. He wanted me removed, so he set up the kidnapping."

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