Chapter 10

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Tossing and turning in my bed I can't seem to quiet my mind. I keep seeing the same scene and that means words kept replaying, over and over. Why would Haldis save me? Me out of everyone in this game? I'm technically nobody.

I'm burdened with a sickness that was slowly killing me. I am destined to be alone and to die. Why would he choose to save me?

Kicking off the sheets I proceed to get dressed. Walking outside to a waiting Jasper. "To Haldis, Jasper. I need answers. Now." Climbing up into the saddle. Jasper didn't fight and took me where I wanted to go.

He himself was twitchy, sensing the nerves and agitation rolling off from my emotions that swirled like a typhoon. Soon we landed in the courtyard of the Shadow walkers guild. The guards stopping my progress to the building.

Glaring at them for stopping me in the first place I was close to snapping, "I need to see Haldis. Take me to him."

Both gulped, especially when I pulled put Ice Fang, "Please wait here a moment." One quietly spoke as he rushed into the building. The other one cowering where he stood but never moved. A death grip on his weapon as he waited for me to do something that would warrant a attack on his part.

The other guard came back out followed by Dennison. Who was not pleased I was here, "Why are you really here, Ashalle?" The two guards jerking in disbelief when my name was mentioned. "Are you here to force me to do something else because of Orion's whims?"

Dismissing Ice Fang I stood my ground, "No, Dennison. I didn't come here for you contrary to popular belief. I'm here to see Haldis. I owe him a life debt." Letting him know how serious the situation is for me. Out of all the time I've been here I have only owed Rin a life debt. Which he said was void since I'm his sister.

Dennison sighed heavily and motioned me to follow, "Alright, alright. I'll take you to him." We entered into the guild while the guards retook up their positions from earlier.

The closer we got to where I assumed his room was the worse I felt. My heart picked up to beat uncontrollably in my chest. Making my breathing painful and labored. My palms became sweaty as I continued to discretely wipe them on my clothes.

Every noise seemed to echo, making the trip spooky in the dead of night. I really shouldn't have come. Haldis probably wouldn't want to see me. After all I was the one who caused him to get hurt. Why did I come?

Dennison stopped in front of a door before I could turn tail and run, "This is his room. Go on in, his best friend is in there sitting with him. He will escort you out when you are done visiting. I would say it's been a pleasure, Ashalle. But we both know it hasn't been." He gave a stiff nod and walked away.

Taking a deep breath I knock on the door. Waiting for a faint come in the didn't come. Instead the door opened to reveal the man that had carried Haldis off of the battlefield, "Oh it's you. I had a doubt you would come. But come on in." He opened the door wider, stepping back to let me come through.

Moving to the side of the bed where Haldis lay, he was still unconscious. Though his coloring improved as did his health bar. "I just came to see how he was doing. I owe him a life debt." Turning to glance at his friend.

"A life debt? What do you mean? Oh I'm Sucovi, by the way. It is a pleasure to make you acquaintance, Lady Frost." He bowed awkwardly.

Waving him off, "No need for that. And please call me Ashalle. That title is for people I don't like to use." Taking Haldis' hand within my own, "Do you know why he save me? To me it doesn't make sense and is inconceivable. Why would he put his own life on the line for a complete stranger?"

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