Chapter 11

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It was still dark out when I was shaken awake. Glancing about I groan as I snuggled deeper into the blankets. Only for them to be thrown off. "It was your idea to train the recruits early. Come on, Ashalle. It is time to get up."

I didn't move, choosing to bury my face into the pillow. Shrieking as a hard shove sent me tumbling to the floor. The culprit laughing from the bed. My glare doing nothing to instill fear, "Don't look at me like that. You wouldn't get up. If you still want to avoid Ursa, I suggest we get a move on." Rin moved around the bed to pull me to my feet.

Yawning I mosey out of the guest room to my own. God its early. I stretched, wishing I could go back to bed.

Well I created this mess I might as well see it through. Changing into training armor that wasn't anything flashy but would do the job. Tying my hair back. I could always have Rin do it later before the recruits arrived.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, "Ashalle? Are you decent? You better be cuz I'm coming in." My brother opened the door, seeing I was ready gestured for us to leave.

Locking the house we made our way to where our dragons were waiting for us. We mounted up and traveled through the portal that Rin had tossed into the air in front of us. The air had chilled a bit as we were at a higher altitude but I don't think it would be a problem. It would warm as the day progressed.

And if the recruits complained, well then they really shouldn't have joined if they couldn't handle the training. My breath fogging the air as we continued to soar high above the trees. The cold not bothering me in the slightest.

In fact I found the chilled air to be refreshing and invigorating. I know Jasper liked it as he tumbled and rolled in the air. I didn't fault him for it. Jasper was made for the snow, and we rarely ventured into his favorite terrain.

Rin appeared amused as he watched us darting about. When we landed Jasper wasn't put out, instead he trotted over to a nearby snow pile and rolled around in it. He reminded me of a cat as he rolled in pure bliss.

Shaking my head in amusement, I put his silly actions out of mind as I help Rin set up our campsite. The rest of the time was spent waiting. Rin fixed my hair in the time that we waited.

Soon, the first of the recruits started to appear. The more experienced people from our guild having shown up long ago to be class instructors. Each recruit heading to their respective class instructors to sign in.

When the last of the stragglers arrived the sun had risen high in the sky. Urging them to quickly assemble into straight lines. As they took their places, Rin and I strode out to stand in front of the new recruits. The instructors standing behind us.

Rin gestured to the awaiting guild members, "The floor is yours sister."

"Oh how kind." Being sarcastic. Rin's lips twitched, not wanting to show a full smile in front of strangers.

Channeling my voice so it echoed for all to hear clearly, "My name is Ashalle, titled Lady Frost. This is my co commander, Rin, Lord Storm. We were the ones who judged your earlier performance. You didn't not get here on merit but because we saw something special in each one of you. You are the few chosen.

Be proud to have made it this far. You each took an oath upon entering the guild and I fully expect you to hold up that oath. In order to prepare you, you will go through various training. Each training will be hard and intense. Give it your all and make us proud."

After that I introduced the instructors and their specialty. Breaking the new recruits into groups to have them go through special training exercises. Rin and I inspected each group, making notes on improvements and other mistakes each person kept making. Every now and then we would personally speak with a few people to help them. Otherwise we would leave it to the instructors.

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