Chapter 16

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Entering into my home, someone clears their throat to catch my attention. My tense muscles relaxing when I recognize the three people sitting around my living room. "How did the big date go?" Ursa curled her legs more underneath her as she leaned against the arm of the couch. Her hand underneath her cheek.

I didn't say anything, only choosing to smile as a reply as I gazed at the rose in my hand. A blush forming as I felt my cheeks growing warmer along with the tips of my ears. "Something must have happened if you look like this afterwards. Hey, Ursa." Fig nudged Ursa from where she sat beside her.

Not commenting and unable to stop smiling I took a seat beside my brother who had glanced up from his book, choosing to curl into his side. "Come on. Please just share a bit with us. Like how you feel about him." Ursa urged. Needing her fill of gossip.

Placing the rose in the middle of the nest of flowers in a nearby vase, the velvet petals soothing to the touch. "It was romantic. He took me to go see the lantern jellyfish. And—" I stopped, the blush scorching my cheeks, I was sure I resembled a lobster of sorts. "And we shared our first kiss under their glow." I managed to squeak out as I hid behind my hands.

Ursa's and Fig's own squealing and cheers deafened my ears as they bounced in place. Hands clasped together. My brother's reaction was surprising as he didn't pay any mind and simply went back to his book. Haldis must have really impressed my brother otherwise I was sure Haldis would be dead by now.

The two managed to contain their yells of excitement some moments later, "So how do you feel about him?" Ursa's voice still a bit pitchy from all of her yelling.

I sighed as I looked down to my folded hands, "I really like him. I feel weird when I am not with him. Like I am incomplete. And when I am with him I feel all warm and happy. He is always in my thoughts and there beside me in my dreams. I want to be with him every second of every day, even if we are just doing nothing. I want to give him the world like he has done for me. I just—I don't—I don't know. What does that mean?" Feeling helpless as I lift my eyes from my clenched hands.

Fig smiled while Ursa smugly grinned, "You my friend sound like you are in love." Ursa informed, very much soaking in the moment of her victory.

I froze the moment the L-word came into play. Love huh? Is this love? Was I in love with Haldis?

The more I thought about it the more it felt right. Like everything had come into focus and all was right with the world for this moment. Yes, I had decided. I was in fact in love with Haldis. Which was crazy. We didn't even know each other in the real world. We were just a bunch of codes in a game we happen to be stuck in.

Forcefully pushing those negative thoughts away, choosing to remain focused on my revelation as what I was sure was a love struck grin graced my lips. Shocking my two female friends.

"He better be as in love with you as you are with him. Otherwise I'll kill him. But I am glad he makes you happy." My brother spoke for the first time since I came home. Not bothering to put down his book. "Though from what I have seen, the guy never shuts up about you. He just keeps yammering on like his life depends upon it." Not sure if he was praising or complaining about my male suitor. Which I was sure was a mixture of both.

Standing I stretch and grab up a pile of papers I've been meaning to give to Orion, "Not that I don't love having you all here. And I do, I love it. But I have to get these papers to Orion or he will have my head." Waving the stack around.

They made no move to get up as I stood there. Rolling my eyes with a huff I walk back out of the living room towards the front door. Yelling over my shoulder that they better be gone by the time I returned. The trip to the main guild building was quick as I strode through the hallways with quickened strides, coming upon Orion's office with the light still on.

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