Chapter 8

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Getting summoned by Orion I leave my residences to go to his office in the main guild house. Knocking on the door I wait for the come in before entering. "You wanted to see me?" Standing in front of his desk.

Orion set the papers in his hands down, sighing heavily. "We have a problem." His fingers tapped over a few numbers on the paper on top of the pile. "We don't enough troops for the next boss fight. The other guilds want us to provide the majority of the numbers needed due to us having the most applicants trying to join the guild." Rubbing the bridge of his nose.

They want what? "What!" Orion winced at the level of volume my voice had reached. "The troops aren't ready. They are undisciplined. They can't hold the formations for specific battle plans yet. Don't even get me started on their kill success rate. If we put then out there they will get slaughtered in the first five minutes." Pacing the entire length of his office as I rant. My hands flying about as to emphasize my point.

Stopping to face him, fully prepared to put my foot down even if he is my leader. "They still lack experience. I will not have them out there to get slaughtered. No, I refuse."

Holding his hand out, he stops my rant, "First of all that rant was unneeded. But k do love drama so well done. Second of all I agree. That is why you need to go to Dennison. It is time to remind him where he started. Convince him to add his guild members to ours. Cash in a life debt if need be. We need those numbers."

Nodding immediately to that plan, "I will get Dennison to agree to give us what we need. But we need to take precaution. There have been rumors of a special even boss popping up. So far we don't know when or where. We don't even know what type of special boss. But it is guaranteed to drop something good. So we should be on standby and absolutely don't engage without me or any of the other dragon tamers."

"I promise." Orion placed his hand over his heart as his lips twitched.

Turning to walk out of his office I call back over my shoulder, "I mean it, Orion. Do not engage the special boss without all of us there." Hopefully Orion wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless. Usually only Ursa could talk him out of a decision, but half the time she was joining him in said decision.

Calling for Jasper as I set foot outside the main building. I swear my dragon thrived off attention as much as Orion does. He sat atop the building, curling delicately as he made sure his scales shimmered in the morning light. Fluttering down with a few light flaps of his wings, stunning the newbies scampering around to silence.

The people that have known Jasper longer didn't even pay him any mind, simply rolling their eyes as they continued on their path without stopping.

Jasper radiated pride as he nuzzled the top of my head. He was over protective then first week he had chosen me as his tamer. After that he backed off a bit, though he was still overprotective just not as intense as before.

Patting his muzzle my fingers trail over his scales as I move to his side, "Alright, you silly boy." Hoisting up I to the saddle and swinging a leg over. "We have to go fetch Dennison. You remember Dennison, right?" Leaning over his shoulder to glance at his face.

Jasper grinned, showing off his serrated teeth. Opening his wings, Jasper ascended into the sky. Flying us over to Dennison's guild. Gasps of awe and cooing echoed throughout the square as Jasper landed. A crowd forming, edging closer until Jasper snarled, baring his teeth until they backed up to a distance he was satisfied with.

Snorting in amusement as he kept a close eye on the crowd of people. They could look but not touch. Patting the side of Jasper's neck I try to keep him in check so he wouldn't snap at the nosy people.

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