Chapter 19

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The water he had just entered was specialized glacier water. It has special magic ice properties. Making it perfect for an ice elemental, but it could be the death of a fire elemental.

Taking a single step towards the floundering fool as he wadded further into the water, "Get out of the water this instant! You will freeze to death, you fool!" Haldis was already being frozen from the look of things.

His body was badly shaking trying and failing to warm itself up. His movements stiffening, his skin turning a chalky white while his lips were turning a deathly blue. "No. I don't care if I am a fool. I will not leave this absolutely mind numbing cold water until you agree to listen to what I have to say." His teeth frighteningly chattered as he remained stubborn.

I feared for his life as his lips were now turning a dark shade of purple, "Alright. Alright, I concede. Just hurry up and get out of the water." I rushed through my words. Just wanting him to get out of the death water he had traipsed into willingly.

He smiled at his victory around his chattering teeth, turning to waddle back to shore. As I urged him to hurry out of the small lake, following behind on my ice flow. Making sure he reached land safely only then did I step onto the wintery ground near him. The rest of the ice block melting away.

Haldis continued to shiver but it lessened quickly as he must have activated one of his new skills or it was an automatic skill. His skin returned to its natural state but held a shine as though an invisible fire danced within in. Ah, it was his newly found inner fire that had activated to save his life. No wonder he had lasted so long in the magical water.

"How are you not cold? You aren't even shivering in the slightest." He rubbed at his arms to regain some of his lost warmth as the heat from his skin slowly dried his clothes.

Glancing away I choose to stare at the water instead, "Just like you are a fire elemental from your dragon, I am connected to an ice elemental. This is Jasper's preferred terrain." I wave a hand indicating the area we occupied. "Because of our bond I took on some of his qualities. Meaning I am more tolerant to the cold, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest. In fact it is like a summer day to me. If I so chose I could be wearing shorts and a tank and not get cold or become frozen."

I ran my hand through my messy hair, "Enough. This conversation is not relevant. Explain quickly so you can leave quickly." Glaring up into his mismatched eyes. Jasper growling in agreement as he took his post behind my back. From the corner of my eye I could see his tail twitching as it shuffled through the snow.

Haldis reached out a hand only to hesitate then pull it back to his side. Biting his lip as he shuffled from foot to foot, "It was a set up. I don't know by who, but it was." I didn't comment as he fingered the hem of his shirt. "I went to the vendor to get you flowers like I do every day. I wanted to surprise you since I knew you were still sleeping. This random girl started talking to me as I picked out the bouquet. I politely told her that I was already spoken for.

She persisted and I harshly told her to back off. As I turned to leave she quickly grabbed onto my clothes and forcefully kissed me. I pushed her off. Threatened that if she ever pulled that again that something very unsavory would befall her. After that I went to find you to ask you out on another date. But Rin got to me first. That was when I knew you had seen the girl kiss me." His mismatched gaze saddened as he stared at his boots. His hands hanging loosely at his sides.

For the first time since I saw the kiss the knot in my chest loosened and I was able to breath, "That's it?" Not daring to move a muscle in case it was all a trap. Meeting that purple-gray gaze head on.

He nodded, appearing more hopeful than before, "Yes. I swear on it. I love you and only you." I gasped at that, covering my mouth as a few tears trickled out. That was the first time one of us had admitted it to the other. Haldis took a measured step forward, making sure I wouldn't bolt at his advancement. "I know it is crazy. But I do. I love you, Ashalle. I don't even know your real name and I am in love with you." He laughed as he shook his head at the thought.

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