Chapter 14

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After that night Haldis stayed true to his word. He never stepped out of line, crossing the invisible threshold I had placed. We never went farther than holding hands. And he never gave any indication that he was upset with the slow pace I was setting.

Instead when I took his hand on our walks he would smile sweetly and tangle our fingers together. Placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand, which would have me blushing red. We talked about anything and everything on our walks.

They soon became my favorite part of the day. As if it wasn't enough, Haldis soon began bringing me flowers every time he came to pick me up for our walk around the grounds of the compound. I think for a while I was a test subject. As he would hand me a flower and study my reaction to it.

From my reactions he guessed that I loved lilies the best, and hated plain flowers. Rose's were okay but I much preferred the lilies he has been bringing me.

As if on cue the door to my house was knocked on. Running my hands down the front of my shirt to make sure I was presentable. Catching sight of myself in a mirror I was taken aback by the goofy grin on my lips. When did I become like this? I wondered as I touched my cheek, letting the grin fall off.

Another knocked startled me, as I finished making my way to the door. Opening it to reveal my suitor with a grin of his own as he handed over a white lily. A snow lily he called it. Taking it from his hand with a small thank you, I lift it to my nose to breath in its charming scent of crisp snow and a light sweetness. Moving to place the new flower in a nearby vase with the rest of the flowers he had brought me recently.

Taking his offered arm we leave the building to make our way to what was becoming our favorite path. It showed the best places to stop and look at the stars in the night sky. The silence between us comfortable as our pace slowed when he tilted our heads up to gaze at the darkened sky.

"What are you like? In reality I mean." I ask a while later as we sat upon a hill top, his arm over my shoulder and our fingers threaded together.

He sighed heavily leaning his head against mine, "I am not as free as I am here. Back in reality my family is strict and full of rules. They care about their image. One that I find kind of silly. For most of my life I've been alone, the house empty most of the time.

So I took to acting out. Turned into a playboy just to get my parents attention. All I wanted was for them to pay attention to me for one minute. They never did, not caring what I did as long as it didn't affect their image." He scoffed, "I guess along the way I lost sight of myself. It didn't know it until I was stranded in the game and I met you."

How cheesy that last line was. But it was sweet. "What about you? What's your story?"

It was my turn to sigh heavily, "Well you already know that I've had cancer since I was young." He hummed in agreement. "I always had fragile health as a child. Constantly in and out of the hospital. So I was restricted from pretty much anything fun a kid could do. I was sheltered away.

Then I was diagnosed. I was moved into the hospital awhile later and it became my personal prison. There I became restricted even more. The only reprieve was when I was allowed to go up to the roof with my sister. On the roof we would gaze at the stars, much like we are doing now, we would name them. She liked to make up stories about the constellations." Tracing a pattern with my finger through the air.

Lowering my hand to clench it, "That's why I have never really experienced the outside world. I was always on lockdown. Here my freedom is everything. And yet I am not free."

"Then I will show you everything you wish to experience and explore for yourself. Fill in the gaps that you feel you have missed. We will experience everything together." He swore.

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