Chapter 20

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She closed the door behind me. Fig's voice echoing from the living room asking who was at the door. Ursa shouting my name in response as I follow to where Fig waited. We both took a seat, the atmosphere awkward and stifling as I fidgeted in my seat. My legs bouncing as a nervous habit with my hands clasped on my knees.

Fig and Ursa patiently waiting for me to speak what was on my mind. "I am sorry, Ursa. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I was just angry, hurt and upset. But that is no excuse. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I hope you can forgive me." I closed my eyes. Not able to bare seeing her expression.

I heard someone move, then arms wrapped around me as a head laid itself on my shoulder. "Only if you can forgive me. I realized after you took off exactly how much I pushed you into a relationship. And I am sorry for that. I shouldn't have meddled in your personal affairs. It was wrong of me. Please forgive me for that, Ashalle. I never meant to make you do anything you didn't want to do. I just wanted—"

"My happiness. I know, Ursa. I know." I returned her hug. "Let's just call us even shall we?" Happiness echoing through my veins, as I was glad I had not lost a friend after all.

She grinned and squeezed, "Sounds good to me." Sitting back to give us both space but not leaving the seat she now occupied.

Fig smiled at the both of us, glad that we had reconciled after so long. She leaned forward as her wings fluttered with anticipation, "So what happened, Ashalle? I didn't expect you back so soon."

At her question I recounted the entire tale for them both. Starting with leaving Orion's office. Seeing the two kiss and how I fled. Telling them of how Haldis had found me, and how the fool almost got himself killed. His confession, which they both squealed over.

At that they wanted to know every detail but I refused to give any. Both pouted but relented, for now. Then I told them of my suspicions of DeX, and how his hand was behind the entire situation. When I spoke of the plot they shot out of their seats. Ranting together as they stalked around the perimeter of the room. Not able to tell what they were individually saying I decided to sit back silently and just let them ride out their ramblings.

It took longer than expected but they eventually slowed and took a seat. Spent from their ranting. "We need a plan." Fig stated out of the blue.

Ursa nodded, "I agree. So let's get planning." Fig fetched the materials that were needed to document, while Ursa shooed me away.

"Look at the time. You still need to go get ready. Don't worry about that woman or DeX. Fig and I will take care of everything. No one messes with our best friend and gets away with it. You just worry about your date. Off you go." She pushed me to the door. Insistent on getting rid of me.

How did she know about the date tonight? I don't think I told her about it. Or did I? I mused, still puzzled about Ursa's strange behavior just now. Shrugging off the occurrence I head for home. Deciding on casual wear for the evening. I am sure if there was something specific I was supposed to wear Haldis would have told me.

Finished getting dressed and not knowing the time of the outing I decided to curl up in my favorite chair with a book. Waiting for the time or cue for tonight's date. Getting caught up in the book I almost didn't hear the knock on the door. A second knock louder than the first sounding against the door.

Marking my place and setting the book down, I run my hands over my outfit. Making sure I was presentable. Opening the door to find no one there. Instead rose petals starting from my door formed a pathway, leading out of sight. A bit cliché but adorable nonetheless.

Closing the door behind me I follow the path set before me. Every twist and turn familiar as my feet carry me forward. In the exact place we had our first date stood my beloved, standing nervously as he shuffled his feet. His head slightly bowed.

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