Chapter 13

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It was always quiet without my brother around. I wonder how he was getting along with the new members of the guild, Haldis especially.

Though it was quiet I was far from bored. The council excluding Rin were getting ready for another boss battle. Our guild was on its way to the meeting place Orion had arranged for Dennison's members to meet us at.

I recognized one man out of the bunch of generals Dennison had appointed. So far no Dennison. The man grinned as he stepped forward to nudge my arm, "Imagine seeing you here. Long time no see, Ashalle. How's my boy treating you?" Sucovi jested.

Rolling my eyes I smile at the clown, "Sucovi, nice to see you again. Haldis is at basic training with my brother. When are you going to defect and joint us instead?"

Sucovi winced at the mention of my brother, Haldis must have told him about Rin. That thought amused me greatly. "I don't think it will be any time soon. Guild Leader Dennison already appointed me a general. Speaking of which all the members that you requested are present and accounted for."

"Well let me know if you ever want to defect. And after the battle you can tell Dennison that two of his life debts to me are now clear. So he can rest easy." Patting Sucovi's arm.

He gave me a weird look, "How many life debts does he owe you?"

Waving off his question, "That's not important. What is important is our focusing being on the boss raid about to happen." Turning to Orion who had come up to the group to introduce himself and the present council.

After he activated the gate that would lead to the place the rest of the guilds waited. We were a few minutes late as we joined with the waiting players who agreed to fight on the frontlines.

All the leaders present met for one last strategic meeting. Going over all the information we knew. The boss was a camouflage expert and the terrain seemed to be a tropical jungle. Each group was to have each other's back and always be wary. From the intelligence gathered the boss was a giant venomous snake, the skin a weapon as well.

From what Catty had gathered one touch to the scales with bare skin could kill a person. Even though it was uncomfortable, every person present was covered from head to toe. Not a single inch of skin showed.

As per usual I would be part of the containment group. It would be harder for Jasper to move around so we were to be stationed high in the trees. With the plan set all those participating moved into the boss raid area.

When the last person entered it was eerily silent. Jasper and I ascended into the trees to take cover. Rustling echoed through the area as the exit was cut off by large vines grew and slithered. Creating a large arena.

At least that's what it seemed like until I took a closer look at the vines. Scales patterned the roots. The end of a pink tongue flicked out. Disappearing back into the foliage.

Those were no vines! We were all trapped in a large coil of the snake's body. "Look out. Those aren't vines! That's the snake's body." Shouting down to the now panicking players that stood on the ground.

Screams echoed as people scrambled away from the snake's body, moving in closer to the middle of the arena as shouts of move away were muffled by the hissing. This wasn't good. Our entire plan was pretty much shot. We didn't plan for this!

Anticipation rose as we all waited for the boss to fully show its face. When it did I really wished it hadn't. Rising from the trees were two giant yellow reptilian eyes, as a pink tongue tasted the air. Its head larger than a house.

Tasting the fear in the air it opened its mouth wide. Two large fangs glistened in the sun as its mouth unhinged. If one looked closely, they could see a few rows of smaller teeth lining its mouth. The boss's name showing up alongside its head along with its health bar. Its name, Queen of Snakes.

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