Chapter 6

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The next day I was feeling better as I climbed out from the bed. Dressing in my regular everyday armor. Jasper following as I head into town to join the rest of the team at a diner for breakfast.

People stopped and stared as I walked by, whispers following after. Ignoring the gossip I enter into the restaurant, heading for the table where our group had gathered. "Coffee?" Rin pushed in my direction as I took my seat beside him.

Nodding I take a sip, letting the refreshment wake me further. "What happened after I blacked out?"

"Rin panicked. Threatened anyone who dared come near you. He watched over you while you slept." Ursa supplied.

"Yes, I figured that. But--" that's not what I was really asking.

Orion took over, "What Ash want to know is about after the battle. Apparently we are all legends now. More so you and Rin than anyone else. They are calling you Lady Frost and him Lord Storm. Which is pretty cool, if I might add. Seems like you two got the bonus and level six is now open. So we can grind our personal levels by two. So yay!"

"What's the next portion of the map revealed?" Instead of climbing our way up in levels, parts of a giant map were unlocked after the defeat of each boss.

"It looks like a jungle. But upon older inspection it's a giant garden. The next boss is more than probably a giant bug of some kind." Catty popped up, taking a seat diagonally from myself. "Good to see you up and about." She supplied after a minute. We weren't that close but I knew she meant it.

"Thank you, Catty. Sorry for the scare." She turned away after humming. Helping herself to the tea.

Orion suddenly jerked his head up, must of remembered something important. "Ashalle, starting this afternoon all the dragon tamers have to help filter all the applicants we have wanting to join the guild. I mean it's great for us and the rank of our guild. It there are so many of them."

Waving off his next comment I put his worries to rest, "It is fine, Orion. I assume you have some sort of test for them to go through, yes?" At the question he nodded. Him relaxing at the acceptance of his command.

We finished up eating and headed back out. "Lady Frost. Lady Frost. Lady Frost!" A voice kept calling.

It took a while to remember that was the new name people had dubbed me with after the battle. Stopping I turn to come face to face with the same Male elf from the previous two times. He caught up to where I waited, taking his time in speaking.

He grew uncomfortable and unsure of himself the longer I stayed silent, "That battled was incredibly and i just wanted to know if you would join me for a drink or maybe dinner?"

Keeping my expression blank I shake my head, "I don't think so." Turning to walk away.

A hand on my arm stopped my progress, "Why not? I'm only asking you out to dinner?" Whispers of people nearby picking up as they observed the scene. Don't they have anything better to do?

"Because I don't go out with playboys." Glancing over my shoulder in time to catch a red blush covering his cheeks. "Now if you would be so kind to release my arm."

He made no move to do so until brother stepped in, "You heard my sister. Plus I recalling saying you would have to go through me to get to her. That promise still stands. Now shoo." Rin waved the elf away.

Putting his arm around my waist, he led us away from the embarrassment that was sure to come. "You do know we probably just obtained new pseudonyms' from this, correct?" Not bothering to glance at the over protective brother.

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