Chapter 1

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 Deciding that I needed a weapon I head to the nearest vendor selling weapons. Making eye contact with a small group of people as I head into the shop. The vendor being a stout man with shaggy hair and a stern gaze, "What can I do for you today, miss?"

"I'm looking for a weapon, but I don't know what sort I am after yet." The character creation not coming with a selection of weapons.

"Alright. What sort of pathway do you follow? Do you prefer light, medium or heavy weight in a weapon?" The man scrolled through his own menu. Making various selections.

"I'm a beast tamer, I think I would prefer something light or not medium weight." Not too sure of myself.

The sales vendor made a humming noise as he adjusted his screen again. After he made his selection he maximized the screen to show me the possible weapons. "Here are the weapons with your specifications. Please feel free to peruse the items."

Nodding my thanks I scroll through the pages. I know I didn't really want a sword or an axe. Maybe a set of daggers, but those didn't really feel right.

Then I froze on a particular item. A set of twin bladed whips. Now those sound interesting. "Can I take a look at the double bladed whips please?" Glancing over to look the NPC vendor in the eyes.

"Sure, miss." He tapped a few things on his screen that materialized the weapons. Handing them over the counter and into my hands for my inspection.

The bell above the door jangled as someone or a group of new customers entered into the store. Not minding them I took the handles of the weapons into my palms. The hilt of the whip fitting snug in the palm of my hand as my fingers wrapped around it. Giving it a light flick of the wrist, it makes a satisfying crack as it strikes on the ground where I had aimed.

These felt right. Fully satisfied with the product I nod to the vendor who had his eyes pinned on my wrist as if I would run away with his product. "I'll take them, how much?"

"600 gold pieces." His facial expression never changing. I wince but nevertheless transfer over the gold. "Anything else I can do for you, miss?"

Tapping my fingernail against the basic chest plate I wore I contemplated getting a new one of higher grade. Deciding against it I shook my head. "Thank you for patronage. Please come again." He handed over my purchase and went still like a statue.

Sighing I access my character's main page and enter the double bladed whips into one of the empty weapon slots. Allowing me to call upon it whenever I needed it. Afterwards I dismissed the main page and dematerialized the new weapon.

Turning to exit the shop I run into the group that I had made eye contact with outside of the shop. One of the three girls stepped forward her bubbly personality emitting outwards, " Hi there! We saw you come into the shop and could help but notice the symbol on your chest piece. You are a beast tamer, right?" Her energy growing as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

At my silent nod her enthusiasm grew to another level, "That is fantastic! So are we." She indicates to the group surrounding her. "Since you are a beast tamer as well. Do you want to join our group? We plan on forming a guild at some point. What do you say?" She held out a hand for me to either accept or deny.

Tilting my head to the side I contemplate on joining a group early. Obviously if I went solo I would get all the treasure drops but I wouldn't be able to go after higher monsters until my skills upgraded a bit. However with a group the treasure would be split into portions but we could go after more advanced monsters with a higher success rate.

Making my decision I place my hand in hers to shake once, "My name is Ashalle." Returning a small smile.

The girl shook my hand energetically until I extracted my hand. "The name is Isla. We can make better introductions outside." She made a gesture for me to follow her group. Once outside her group made a semicircle around the two of us. "Everyone, this is Ashalle, she is also a beast tamer. Ashalle, this is Rin, Catty, Fig, Orion, Shilo, DeX, and I'm Ursa." She pointed to each person in turn.

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