Chapter 21

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It was finally the day of the wedding and I was a nervous wreck. Pacing the length of the small room, pretty sure I had worn a trail in the carpet. Fig and Ursa kept out of the way as they tried to calm my anxiety.

"What if something goes wrong? Like what if I say the wrong vows, or what if I trip and ruin the dress? What if Haldis changed his mind about marrying me?" I rambled, fidgeting with the ring adorned on my finger.

"Nothing is going to go wrong. Just take it one step at a time. And Haldis would never do that to you." Fig soothed.

"Yeah, he is head over heels for you." Ursa pipped in.

The door opened to reveal my brother dressed in his best suit, "Everything is already. Is she?" He questioned our friends as he watched my continued pacing in the confined space.

The girls got up from their seats to head to the door, "As fine as she will ever be. Good luck trying to calm her. We couldn't get through to her but maybe you can." Ursa patted Rin's chest as Fig left first. The girls going to go find their seats.

"Ashalle?" Rin called softly as he cautiously approached. I didn't respond as I turned to pace the other way, my arms wrapped around myself. "Ashalle. Ashalle, look at me." My brother stepped in front of my path. Capturing my cheeks in his palms and forcing my head up. Forcing our gazes to cross one another.

"Breathe, breathe, little sister. Remember whatever happens I am here for you. I've got your back. Always." His gaze steady. Protective.

Matching my breaths to his my heart finally slowed from its galloping. My nerves easing slightly. My brother would always be here for me. Haldis had promised the same thing. Everything would be fine.

Rin watched as I calmed myself. Waiting until my breaths evened out to speak, "Better?" I nodded, letting a small smile of thanks appear on my lips. "It is time. Are you ready?" He let go of my face to offer his arm.

Lace sleeves attached, running down the length of my arms to my middle finger. A small studded diadem sat amongst the sliver curls of my hair. Taking the bouquet from the table, a mixture of roses and lilies, I took Rin's offered arm. Yes, I was ready.

He opened the door and led me to the chamber that held our friends and family. But more importantly it held my future. The music changed as the elven guards opened the door, allowing us to pass, and into the room we slowly marched.

And there he was, my entire world, my beloved. He waited at the edge of the dais, next to the King of Elves. His eyes on me. Never straying away as I slowly made my way to him. The smile I so loved adorning his lips.

After an eternity we reached the dais, Rin taking my hand. "Who gives this woman to this man?" The King started off.

"I, Rin of the Draconians, Vowed Brother to Ashalle of the Fair Folk, do so give her away to Haldis of the Fair Folk." The King accepted and allowed Rin to place my hand within Haldis' awaiting one.

My beloved's fingers curling over mine instantly, sharing a love filled smile, as I squeezed his hand gently. As one we turned to the King. Ready to become married.

The King smiled at the both of us as he extended out his hands, his gaze reaching where our friends sat behind us, "Today we are here to witness the bonding of Ashalle and Haldis of the Fair folk. The bonding of the elves is a sacred tradition. Binding the life forces of two people together for all time through a blood pact."

The King turned to one of the servants, taking a ceremonial dagger that was handed to him, handing it over to Haldis. My beloved took the blade and slit his left palm, handing the weapon back. As the new wound pooled with blood, the King cleaned the blade and handed it over to me. Taking the pommel I press the tip into my own left palm.

The stinging bearable as I create a wound that immediately welled with red beads. Handing the weapon back I wait for the next part. "Please clasp hands." The King instructed. We did as told, pressing our bloody palms together. The King picked up a long white ribbon, wrapping it around our clasp hands, up to our wrists before tying it. Letting the excess drape.

Pulling his hands back, he straightens his sleeves while clearing his throat, "Now repeat after me. From this day forth I willingly bind myself to you. Our blood binds us as one forever more," He paused giving us a moment to repeat his words as we stared into each other's eyes. "Your pain will be my pain, your healing will be my healing. Your sorrows will become my sorrows and your joy will become my joy. I promise to walk by your side, becoming your sword and shield if you ask it of me. This is my vow to you until the end of time," He spoke the last of the blood vows.

As Haldis and I finished the rest of the vows together the ribbon turned red and sunk into our skin. My chest felt heavy as though a weight was placed upon it as the ribbon disappeared. Having become intricate tattoos beginning at the top of our left hand and extending to just above the wrist.

Parting our hands to exchange rings, the wounds we had created for the blood pact had already healed into a thin white scar.

"Congratulations, you are now bonded for life," the Elven King congratulated.

Smiling up to my partner in life, stretching up onto my tip toes to share our first kiss as a married couple. Our friends hooting and hollering in approval. Breaking off from the kiss to bury my burning face into my new husband's chest.

His low chuckled sounded close to my red tipped ear while his arms encircled my waist, "Now, now my love, there is no need to be embarrassed." Haldis kissed the hair near my ear, pulling back to make eye contact with our friends but keeping his arms around my waist.

Different pairs of arms encircled around us as our group formed a group hug around us. Each talking a mile a minute and the volume growing so loud that the conversations couldn't be distinguished.

The pounding of weapons against the floor had the screaming group going quiet. "Not that I don't love a good wedding, and please fair ones don't take this the wrong way. But take your noise makers and get out," The elven King shooed the group. Obviously aggravated by the disturbance of his usual peace.

Our friends' mouths dropped open at the aggression shown to them, followed by their faces going beet red. Breaking off they hastened out of the room, leaving me and my new husband behind. Haldis and I paid our final respects to the King and followed our group of friends out into the hallway where we found a portal already up and a lack of our friend's presence.

Haldis stopped I front of the portal, pulling me closer to his chest to place a chaste kiss on my lips, "Are you ready to celebrate our union, my wife?" His playfulness coming out in a light tease.

Bringing his hand up I kiss his wrist, feeling his pulse jump beneath my lips, "More than ready, my husband," Giving my love a cheeky smile.

He groaned, pressing our lips together in another kiss, "God, I'll never tire of those words spilling from your lips, my love," He whispered between our connected lips. The kiss was sweet, making my head spin.

Never in my life would I think I would find someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with. Haldis disconnected our lips, lightly chuckling at the whine that escaped my throat. Kissing the tip of my nose, "We have all the time in the world, my love. But for now I intend to dance with my wife at our reception that our friends threw together for us."

With our fingers entwined we stepped through the portal together. We entered into the large lavish garden that had been specially decorated for the reception. The sound of loud clapping meeting my ears as we stepped further into the garden.

"Ladiesand gents, please welcome the newly married couple!" Orion announced as thecrowed grew louder with cheers, whistles, and shouting. Congratulations beingthrown from every corner of the area. Smiling at the members of our guild Icuddled into my husband's chest, committing this event to memory.

Change into a more elvish dress

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