Chapter 5

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The test run in the dungeon went well. Between all ten of us we gained enough coins to register the next day as an official guild. Our guild name, Dragon Alliance, the group had voted and it was discussed that the dragon tamers in the group would become the core leaders of the guild. No one else really wanted the job. Orion still being voted as the guild's leader, Ursa is second in command. I for whatever reason was named Battle leader, in charge of the soldiers that will join the guild.

Rin was my co-leader, though he joked that he was second in command. Fig, Shilo, and Ferra were our subordinates, as they were named commanders. A position they took pride in. Catty became our guild's informant and spy. As she could sneak into anywhere.

Dennison, stuck around for two weeks after the guild was formed. The longer he went without a companion the grumpier he became until ultimately he left the guild. No note, no goodbyes. He disappeared silently one evening. Catty informed Orion that he had joined another guild, becoming one of the main leaders. Not wanting to force someone to stay when they wanted to go, Orion ordered us not to drag him back.

I was more nervous for the upcoming battle. Several guilds have been invited by the top five guilds to help clear level five. This would be the first public battle since the guild had been created.

The information that had been gathered and sent to all the guilds, was that the level five boss was an elephant man. Literally he had the body of a man but the head of a elephant. His muscles were also bigger and thicker, he carried single bladed chakrams. His dungeon was in a secret entrance through a pyramid found among the sand dunes.

We were on our way there now. When I had first met Orion I thought him to be a serious no nonsense kind of leader. But after spending however long with him, one comes to find out that he leaned more towards the theatrical and dramatic side. He liked his flairs, loved it in fact. The showier the better.

That's why instead of teleporting there with teleport stones, we teleported close but are flying in with the dire wolves running beneath us. Orion wanted dramatic poses, powers flashing, and by God we had to give it to him. Otherwise there would be a temper tantrum.

So instead on sitting on my new dire wolf hide saddle, I was currently standing on it. Feet frozen to the hide to help keep my balance. The new whips wrapped around my arms as frost and snow emanates around Jasper and I as if it were a visible aura.

The new icy blue armor glistening in the sun. The snow and ice doing wonders in keeping the heat away. The others were in similar dramatic poses but I doubt they were as comfortable as I was.

As he climbed over the last dune icicles dripped down my armor, freezing in place. Making it seems as though the icicles were simply a part of the armor. Thunder and lightning crackled around Rin as he dropped his visor down over his eyes. A small storm surrounding his very being.

Hearing the thunder that echoed, all eyes turned to us. Nervous I tried to keep my composure as practice though I didn't need to bother as I had already pulled my visor down.

Gasps and screams emitted from the gathered crowd as our entrance was finally noticed. A wide berth was made as the five dragons landed in the cleared space, and the dire wolves trotting over to join us. We disembarked from our rides to stand in front of them.

Patting Jasper on the snout to calm my nerves I wait for Orion to make a move. As stated before, one for the dramatics he waited for the guild leaders in charge of the raid to come to us, then he made his move.

"Just who do you think you are making an entrance like that?" The leader of Death Raiders stormed forward.

As we stood, Orion took point. Ursa was on his right and I on the left. Rin was beside me and DeX was on the right of Ursa. Fig, Shilo, and Ferra were flanking the five of us.

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