Chapter 9

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Walking through the corridor a heavy body slams into mine, sending my back colliding with the wall. A groan of pain escaping my lips.

The person who had assaulted me out of the blue keeping my body pinned to the wall. "You are going to regret rejecting me like that." The man appears to be a stalker.

Glaring at my attacker a hiss escapes, "It is my right as a person. I don't know you. And I don't owe you anything. Why should I give away my happiness just to make you feel better about yourself?" My hand sneaking up to latch onto his wrist.

Bring his face close to my ear, I think he was trying to go for sensual, "I am your biggest fan. By all rights you owe me everything."

Aiming a kick to his shin that he manages to dodge I snarl, "I owe you nothing. Now release me, or you will feel the bite of Ice Fang." Tilting my head a bit to give myself the innocent look, "Would you like to spend the rest of your life as a popsicle?"

He chuckled as he leaned back to look at my face, "You are cute when you threaten me."

"Let men go and I can show you how adorable I can really be." My fingers tingling as frost coats them, preparing to summon lighting bites twin.

"I believe the lady said she wasn't interested." The weight pinning my body disappeared as my assailant flew across the room. My savior the one flirt who also won't leave me alone. He pulled a two handed axe out of thin air keeping himself in the middle of my stalker and myself. "It isn't classy to force a lady to date you. So why don't you run along before I change my mind of letting you go." His aura expanding to a threatening level.

The stalker picked himself up, running out of the building. Brushing the invisible dirt off my clothes I walk past my savior. Trying not to acknowledge him.

Boot steps following behind. Looks like I got another tail I can't shake, "A thank you would be nice. Is it always going to be like this between us."

"I could have handled him." Anger bubbling up. I hate being saved. It always made me feel weak.

His strides catching up to mine so he could walk side by side, "I know you could have. But you shouldn't have to."

"That shouldn't have been a decision for you to make. I am capable of taking care of myself." Storming towards the exit of the building.

"I am well aware of that fact. No need to bite my head off." You would think he would leave already but no he kept following me.

Sighing I continue on my way, "You know I didn't get your name." He was really persistent.

"That's because I didn't give it." I could be stubborn too.

The man stopped in his tracks, "You are being quite rude to the person who has been your savior twice now."

His comment hurt even though it was true. I stopped in my tracks, though not bothering to turn around, "Ashalle." At his stunned huh, I repeated myself only once, "My name is Ashalle. And thank you for saving me—again."

His footsteps picked up in place as he strove to catch up with my strides once more, "Nice to meet you, Ashalle. I'm Haldis. I am actually a part of this guild, if you were wondering why I was around. Just so you know that I'm not stalking you." Haldis flustered at my not impressed look.

An incoming message popped up on my terminal in just the nick of time, saving me from an awkward atmosphere. The two idiots had gotten wind of the special boss popping up today and rushed off to fight it.

Running the rest of the length of the corridor as I scroll through my equipment in a rush manner, putting on my dragon scale armor, "Those two idiot's! I told them both specifically to not engage the event boss without me. We need all of the dragon tamers there! Wait until I get my hands on the two of them. I don't care if they run the guild!" Not caring who heard my rant.

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