Chapter 15

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The rest of the date went well and the next night he took me to a nice restaurant and the dancing in the musician's square. He taught me how to dance a bit more and I was still horrible. By the end of that evening I had concluded that I couldn't dance at all.

Today as the run rose I had a surprise for him. I knew he was curious as to what it was like to fly on the back of a dragon. And the weather for the day was perfect for it. The saddle extended out as I double checked the straps.

Though Jasper was a small dragon his strength skill was high. Jasper nudged against my side as I double checked the chest strap. Chuckling I brush the scales of his nose with my palm. He purred when he stiffened and lifted his head from my hands. Choosing to eye the person approaching, glaring over my shoulder.

Haldis slowly came forward, knowing Jasper hadn't fully warmed up to him. "What are the plans for today?"

I grinned in excitement, "It's a surprise. Do you trust me?" Taking his hand within my own.

Though confused he kept our hands connected, "What does that hav—?"

"Do you trust me?" Seriousness taking over as the playfulness dissipates.

He hesitated in what he wanted to say as he studied me. His eyes darting around my face and then traveling between Jasper, the saddle and myself. Retuning his gaze to mine he solemnly nodded, "Yes. Of course I trust you."

The nervousness and fear finally dissipated as the excitement came back full force. Like butterflies flapping around in my belly as the tantalizing anticipation mounted. "Good. Now come." I pulled him to Jasper's side. Lifting myself up into the saddle and leaned over to offer him a hand.

Jasper shifted uneasily, "Easy, Jasper. It is alright." I shushed him and patted the scales in reach to calm him. Haldis finally made up his mind as he reached to take my hand. Hoisting himself up into the saddle behind me.

As soon as he was seated he instantly wrapped his arms around my middle. Squeezing a bit too hard. Patting his hands in a silent question, he loosened his grip a bit, to where it was more comfortable but he was still hanging on. "Have you flown anybody around before?" A tinge of fear clouding his voice.

"Nope you are the first. Don't worry though. Jasper's strength check is enough to carry the two of us." I assure him as I lean back a bit to see him.

Jasper lifted his wings in preparation to take off. "That's not what I am afraid of." Haldis lowered his head and buried it between my shoulder blades. Hiding away his face. Jasper beat his wings down hard just to get enough momentum to get off the ground. The pace of his wings beating twice as fast to ascend.

Creating a wobbly motion as he fought to stabilize himself. Once he found the rhythm and balanced out his center, the rocking motion ceased. As Jasper carried us above the clouds. Nudging the silent passenger lightly with my elbow to get his attention, "You can look now, Haldis. Jasper won't do anything to you as long as I am here." The words floating to him on a stream of air.

For an extended period Haldis never moved his head. When I felt his head leave his safety I held my breath, waiting to see what his reaction would be. His gasp sent my tummy flipping over itself in anticipation of what the gasp meant. Was it of excitement, astonishment, awe, fear, or something else?

"This is amazing!" He yelled in what sounded like giddiness as he leaned over to look below us. "I can see why you guys don't use portals as often as everyone else." He lifted his hands above his head as though he were on a rollarcoaster.

I grinned as I tightened my grip, getting ready for what was going to come next. "If you are really a thrill seeker, you will absolutely love this. Better hold on tight." I warned as I grinned childishly.

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