Chapter 7

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Walking into the banquet I wished I could have turned around to flee to my home and crawl into bed. The whispers that started as soon as I came I to view were really nerve wracking. My palms sweat as I kept my hands folded together, appearing calm as I kept my facial features blank.

Just get through giving the King his gift and then you can disappear into the crowd. Hold yourself together, Ashalle, "Majesty," Giving the proper greeting befitting someone of his station.

He opened his arms but didn't bother to stand, "Ah, Ashalle, Lady of Frost. I've heard many things about you." He drawled. Most likely eager to get his present.

Curtsying, "All good things, I hope."

He hummed, growing bored quickly. "So far they are favorable. What is it that you have brought me?" He held his hand out.

The nerve! Patience Ashalle. We need to maintain good relations with his kingdom. A fake smile adorning my lips I bring out Jasper's scale. The king's eyes now glimmering in interest. "I have brought for you a scale from an Ice Dragon. This scale will be able to increase the communication between your kingdom and my guild. A sign of our continued friendship and loyalty. If your kingdom is ever in trouble you will be able to summon myself and my companion to come to your aid."

Placing the scale in his hand. He turned it over in his hand, nodding to himself, "Most appreciative. Have a wonderful evening, Ashalle Lady of Frost."

Curtsying once more murmuring, "Happy birthday, your majesty." Turning to head back down the dais to disappear into the crowd. Trying my best to blend in.

The screams from the women in the crowd announced the presence of a highly popular male elf. He acted unfazed as he winked at the crowd while he walked through the parting crowd up to the dais of the King. Handing to him what appeared to be a rare gem. Murmuring a few more words to the King before he paid his respects and stepped back into the crowd. Female elves immediately swarming around him to vie for his attention.

At least act more dignified. Guys to like it when you practically throw yourself at them. Makes you seem too desperate. When the clock hit a certain time the Elven King stood, calling for the ball to commence.

Many couples took to the dance floor, twirling with grace I would never have. As the course of the evening dragged on many males came over to ask for my hand to lead me in an dance. Refusing it only started a commotion. Until many of them were surrounding me. Arguing with each other at the same time trying to coax me into a dance

The whole situation was frustrating as I couldn't get a word in edgewise and every time I would ask to leave they would all try to pounce at once. Wondering why on earth I would want to leave their 'charming' company. I just wanted to go home. Why did I not bring Rin with me? He would have scared them all away.

"Come on what do you say? A dance with me would change your whole life." One of the pushier males grabbed my hand.

"Don't fall or that sweetheart. You would have a much better time with me." A blonde pushed the other Male out of the way to take his place.

Tugging my hand back unable to shake the male off, "I uh—"

A large hand closed over the male's wrist, prying it from my own, "The lady is clearly uninterested." My rescuer being the elf I had turned down twice already. Why was he helping me? "Besides, I have already claimed her for the evening." A smug countenance forming on his features.

The rest of the males became aggravated and started to argue. Giving me enough cover to slip away from the crowd of Male testosterone. Taking care not to draw any more attention and slipping out of the double doors.

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