50 Ways to Annoy Firestar

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Yay! Finally a sequel to the 50 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Jayfeather's Den! And yes I have decided that this will be a series of I don't know how much books! So just a side note: FIRESTAR HATES WAFFLES. I mean, it's common sense. XD anyways ENJOY!!

1. Names

Brambleclaw: okay everyone gather around. I have a new game to play! get in a circle *everyone gets in a circle*

Dustpelt: *raises hand* how do we play

Brambleclaw: well I will start. So since Hollyleaf is next to me, I have to copy her name.

Hollyleaf: O.O

Brambleclaw: *puts a holly berry on a leaf* see? You try.


Brambleclaw: Firestar, it's your turn.

Firestar: *looks at cat next to him*

Oneeye: *is next to Firestar* hello :)

Firestar: but- how- *looks at Brambleclaw* YOU SET THIS UP.

Brambleclaw: noooooooo..... Why would I do that to my precious leader? >:3

50 Ways to Annoy FirestarWhere stories live. Discover now