2 🧬

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Eleven years later

"I'm home!" I shout as I walk through the front door.

"I knew you were coming and when you arrived," I hear Neo's voice coming from the walls.

"I know you knew I was coming. You know my location all the time. I was shouting for my parents," I giggle.

Neo was the best AI technology out there, made by my father and one of his close friend, Dr. Carsin. He was my father's best friend before he died in an accident as he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've met him several times, and he was a lovely man; he died around two years ago.

Both he and my father have updated Neo's technology and algorithm every year to a point he can do it himself. There first I was introduced to Neo was when we changed houses, and it was terrifying.

I had just turned six, and my dad said he had a surprise for me in my room. My dad let Neo interact with us after one month after we moved in so he could analyze our routine and behavior.

"They are currently in the cinema room watching Harry Potter movies," Neo informs me.

"Thanks," I place my backpack on the stool next to the kitchen counter and walk over to the fridge.

"Would you like me to cook your favorite dinner?" The panel in the fridge turn on, and Neo's smiley face appears.

"There is no need, I can make it myself," I smile and open the fridge to see what I wanted to make is gone.

"Too bad, I already did it," The oven opens, and there are multiple chocolate brownies.

"Neo," I whine. "I told you I can do it on my own; there is no need for you to do it," I shake my head and grab one of the brownies. This is delicious.

"But you love mine more than you do yours. And I can see you find the ones I made delicious," Neo comments. "I can see that your level of endorphin has increased, meaning you enjoy it very much."

Neo can analyze our bodies in thing such as blood pressure, hormonal release, heartbeat, and among other things. One of the benefits of that is that Neo warns me when my period is coming. I rather have him know than to stain my bed with menstrual blood.

"You're a smartass program, you know how to make delicious food," I retort my full of food.

"I just watched Gordon Ramsay cooking and some other people. It was easy to get the hang of it," If he had a body I'm sure would be shrugging right now.

"For a high-end AI program is easy," I grab another brownie and circle to grab my backpack, but it's not there.

"I have taken your thing to your room," Neo informs me, but I already knew it. I turn around to grab another brownie, but the plate is gone. "As well as the brownies," Even though he is a program, he chuckles at my annoyed face.

"I hate when you do that," I mumble under my breath as I make my way to my room. My father is one of the best computer, technological, and mechanical engineers out there, if not the best, so he is filthy rich, meaning our house is huge.

 My father is one of the best computer, technological, and mechanical engineers out there, if not the best, so he is filthy rich, meaning our house is huge

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But he isn't like other rich people who spend all their money on expensive things just to show others they have tons of money. He buys whatever I ask for if I deserve or am going to put it into use. He does own a lot of expensive things, but most of them are for my mother; he loves spoiling her.

I wish I would find a man who can treat me like my dad treats my mom. He doesn't need to have as much money as my father; he just needs to love me as if I'm his world and he is mine.

"I can see you have increased brain activity. Mind telling me what you are thinking?" Neo asks once I reach my room. It was massive with a king sized bed, an armchair with no armrests, a coffee table with comfy sofa chairs and a couch next to them, a beautiful ceiling light that looked like metallic branches with crystals as leaves. And then I had a spacious balcony with a view of the forest at the back of our house.

 And then I had a spacious balcony with a view of the forest at the back of our house

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"Not really," I say sitting on my bed and turning on the TV.

"So, do you mind telling me how was school?" He changes the subject.

"School was the same as always, Jordan got into trouble by placing a whoopie cushion on the teacher's chair. It was hilarious," I chuckle at the recent memory. Jordan got herself detention for the next two days. "Lunch was kind of good today. They gave us this weird looking soup that actually tasted really good, but the beef was tough; so that sucks. Other than that, everything was okay."

I click on the button to change the channel and don't find anything nice to watch. This is one of the many reasons I don't watch TV. I sigh in frustrations and turn off the TV.

"Neo, can you give the brownies please," I look behind me and see a hatch open, and a metallic arm gives me the plate with brownies. "Where is the rest?" I ask when I notice there are only three brownies on the plate. I'm more than sure that there was more than fifteen downstairs.

"Too much sugar in a small amount of time isn't good for your health," I try my best not to roll my eyes as he is only taking care of me.

"Thank you for not making me look more of a potato than I am," I say sarcastically.

"A potato and a human are completely different things. But if you are implying that you are not pretty, as this term is used many times in stories and conversations between people, you are wrong, You are very pretty, and I must say even beautiful."

This time I don't hold back roll my eyes as a picture of me is shown on my TV. I have long, straight brown hair that goes just underneath my chest, light freckles over my cute nose and cheeks, light blue eyes and somewhat thick eyebrows.

"Oh my God! Take that away!, What if someone sees that!" I throw one of my many pillows at the TV but an arm grabs it before it hits. The screen turns black once more, and the pillow is thrown back at me. "You don't want to have a pillow fight with me, mister," I smirk and grab the pillow before it hits me. "If you were one of my human friends I would beat you in a blink," I throw the pillow again, and the arm catches.

"Yeah sure," I hear Neo's bored tone before the pillow is thrown and hits my face.

"You meany," I whine like a child.

"You were the one that threw the pillow at the screen; I only gave it back," Neo chuckles.

"Well, call me when dinner is ready. I'm going to take a nap," I puff out air and get under the covers making myself comfortable.

"I will, my darling."

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