18 🧬

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"Oh look, she speaks," Alice scoffs.

"I didn't know I wasn't allowed to," Jordan rolled her eyes.

"Not when you seat that far and do something like you did yesterday," Jennifer comes in.

"Guys, please. Let's just eat and-" I tried to reason, but Jordan cut me.

"Why? Scared to get in a fight?" She raises her eyebrow, mocking me. I scoff, stand up, and walk to her. And on my way, I swear I saw the lights flick for a second.

"I don't know how I can make you understand, but I'll try. I forgave you five minutes after you left my place. I just thought you probably had a bad day at home, wasn't feeling well, but I guess it was you being mean for no reason," Not wanting to talk anymore, I walked away from the table and out of the cafeteria.

Once I was out of my disbelief state, I found myself in the girl's bathroom next to the field, which surprisingly was never used. Knowing no one was coming here, I leaned my back on the wall opposite of the door and slid to the floor.


I picked my phone from my pocket after it vibrated. It was a call from Neo.

"Hey, Neo," I sighed.

"Is everything okay? I saw you leave the cafeteria and walk outside the school building. Then there were no cameras to where you are," His robotic yet concerned voice said.

"I'm in the girl's bathroom; you don't need to worry. I'm just here to relax a bit," My head leaned against the wall and my eyes closed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" His voice held worry and caution. There was a minute of silence before I spoke.

"Take me home," My eyes opened to reveal unshed tears. I'm not an emotional person, but when things get trapped inside for too long, one way or another, it will all break free, all at once.

"Of course. Wait for me in front of the school, I'm not far," I nodded, forgetting he was calling me before hanging up. I stood up from the floor with much hesitance and walked out of the bathroom. Since it was still lunch, students were roaming around the outside of the school, but not at the front.

I was glad as I didn't want people asking why I was leaving early or make gossip. It's usually, no matter what, that I'm rich, that I come from a wealthy family and that gives me the privilege to do what I want. But what I think, and what I know is that they are the privileged ones. While I get money, I don't get friends.

Yes, I do have Daniel, Alice, Jennifer, Alex, had Jordan, but they got their groups, go to parties every weekend, have their families at home. Although my dad and mom try their best, they are still very much absent.

But a privilege I have that no one else has is Neo. He has been with me from good and bad, thick and thin, and I owe everything to him.

A familiar black hyper sports car parks at the front of the school and opens the door for me. I quicken my pace and slide inside the car. The car shuts close, and the car runs off. I put my bag on the driver's seat and pull my legs close to my chest, cuddling close to the seat.

My eyes feel heavy, and with the windows darkening and the heated seat, I'm out into dreamland in seconds.

"Darling, wake up," Neo's voice breaks through my dream and forces my eyes open. I stretch and find incapable to from the lack of space. I notice I was still in the car, and when I look outside, I see we are not at home.

"Neo, where are we?" I rub my eyes as I look outside the car window.

"I brought you to this nice place I saw online. It's a hill not far from the city that has this amazing view. The site said it helps people relax," I chuckle as he explains.

"Can I go outside?" I ask since the windows are still dark and I can't really see exactly where we are. The door opens, and a rush of air hits me. I climb out of the car and walk over to the hood.

We were over the Hollywood sign; the sun had already set, and the city lights lit up the night sky. (Guys, let's pretend the story is in L.A as I'm not sure if I said where it was already)

"How long have I've been asleep?" I turn around to face the car

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"How long have I've been asleep?" I turn around to face the car.

"The whole day actually. I think it is to blame the lack of sleep you had during your sleepover," Neo says through the car speakers. I nod my head and sit on the hood of the car while my eyes turn back to the amazing view.

"Can we stay here a little longer? The weather feels nice."

"We can stay as long as you want. I'll keep you safe."


A new chapter for you guys! Yay! Hope you guys liked it.

I'll try my best to write more chapters for this story so I can publish them slowly while I am traveling. If you don't know about that, make sure to follow me so I can keep you updated.

Please, don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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