10 🧬

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"What for?" I ask looking at one of the visible cameras.

"I thought you would like it. Did you not?"

"I did, very much. Thank you," I smile. Unknowingly, another tear slips out of my eye, and one of the metal arms wipes it with a tissue in its claws. "Thanks. I think I should head back."

"Wouldn't you want to clean your face first? Your eyes are red, and your cheek has tear marks," Neo suggests.

"You're right," I nod and walk over to the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror and want to cry more. "Why am I crying? I would never cry of silly things," I whisper to myself.

"You proximation to your period might be a factor in that," I nod and wash my face. After making sure it didn't look like I was crying, I head downstairs.

"Neo," I stop in the middle of the staircase. "What are they doing now?"

"They are chatting, now out of the fort," I thank him and continue my way.

"What happened Liz, had to take a dump?" Jordan speaks up once I close the cinema room door behind me.

"I had to... do some stuff- No, I wasn't pooping," I cut her off when she opened her mouth. "Do you guys still want to watch Harry Potter? We still need to see the fifth, sixth, and the two parts of the seventh," I say taking a seat next to Jordan, far from Alice and Daniel.

They were seat close to each other with Jennifer in the middle and Alex between Jordan and Daniel.

"Since you were taking a long time we ended truth or dare and were waiting for you to come to watch the movie," Jennifer explains.

"Sorry about that. Neo, please play the fifth movie," The lights that were on turned off and the movie started.

"That's a nice ring you got there. I didn't see it on you before. Is it new?" Jordan whispers to me. I look at my ring and see something red in its eyes. Maybe some reddish crystal.

"Yeah, Neo gave me," I say smiling. Neo somehow always managed to give me presents that I love; not like, love. And I'm always grateful and thankful when he does that.

"Wait, he gave it to you?" Jordan questions.

"Yeah. He gives me presents all the time," I say shrugging.

"Don't you think that's odd? For a computer program to do that?" I look at her confused.

"There's nothing odd. Maybe for you but I've grown up with him doing that, so maybe now that's because it doesn't bother me," I explain.

"Sorry that I don't live in an extravagant life where I have all the money in the world and a one of a kind AI program or whatever," She scoffs. I stare at her feeling offended and confused. Why is she so mean?

I try not to let it get to me, and my hand falls off the side of the couch. I wave my hand, and a few seconds later a claw grabs it, warming it up with what I think was a heater inside it.

Once the movie was over, I made sure to get up as fast as possible and go over to a panel next to the large screen.

"What are you doing?" Jordan speaks up.

"Nothing you should worry about," I say not looking at her direction. I open a menu for food for us.

"Oh I see, that's how easy it is order food when you're rich," She scoffs.

"Well then starve if you don't want it," I choose sushi and some pasta as Jennifer doesn't like fish.

"You don't have to be rude," She retorts.

"What do you want me to say then huh?" I snapped looking at her. "Do you want to call food yourself, or do you want to be grateful that I'm doing it for you when you don't have to pay. Yeah, I may be rich, but that doesn't mean you can say things like that. You don't see me flaunting around my riches. I have expensive things, yes, to I use them yes. But I don't go rubbing on people's faces. So if you can't handle it, I'm going to ask you to leave, because I don't accept my supposed best friend saying shit about Neo or me."

Daniel, Alice, Jennifer, and Alex stop talking to each other to watch us. The stood quietly watching us discuss.

"I'm trying to be nice here, and you just come and say such degrading words, makes me not want to be friends with you. But I hope I'm wrong and this is just a one-time thing where you happen to take your frustration on me. If you want, I can ask Neo to make an appointment with someone that you can talk about your issues with."

Jordan walks out of the room without a word, leaving the five of us in silence.

"Jordan has left the house Elizabeth," I don't like when Neo calls my name; I prefer my darling, but I think he knows now is not the best time for that.

"Well, if you feel uncomfortable and do not want to spend time here you are welcome to leave," I point to the door before sitting down in front of the screen and looking for a game controller. Yes, I'm a gamer sometimes.

I hear shuffling behind me before I feel warmth hit my back. I look back and see they are sitting next to me.

"Do you think we can play games with you too?" Alex asks with hope in his eyes.

"Of course," My frown breaks into a wide smile as I grab controllers for all of us. "Okay, so who wants to play Dark Souls three first?"

 "Okay, so who wants to play Dark Souls three first?"

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(Zero Deaths!)


Another short chapter, but at least it was two in one day.

Wow, Jordan was so mean. Do you guys think she will apologize or not?

And the ring. Any thoughts on it yet?

Guys, if you have an idea in your head or a suggestion to the story, feel free to comment as I need a little help with content for it. I know how I want it to go, but if I do that the story will end fast.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you next chapter.

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