7 🧬

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We were now in the Art class but in the computer room as the teacher wanted to teach us to make photoshop. I thought it was cool; maybe I could do some weird shit while the rest of my friends wanted to edit their Instagram posts.

"Alright class, settle down, you'll have to get a picture you'll want to edit and work on it. I want it to be original, no photoshopping for any of your social media platforms or you'll get a zero," The teacher said which was followed by groans and complaints. "You'll have one hour and a half; start now."

I grabbed my mouse and clicked on the photoshop app, but I noticed my screen glitch for a fraction of a second but gave no thought. My screen glitched again, a smiley face appearing for a split of a second.

Please tell it's not what I think it is.

The screen glitches again and the smiley face moves down to the corner of my screen, letting the photoshop windows open. How. Did. He. Do. This?! I grab my phone and place it close to my mouth; even if it was turned off, I knew Neo would hear me through the microphones.

"Please don't tell me you hacked the school's computer," I whisper to the phone. The smiley face in the corner of open his mouth and text appears in the talking bubble.

It seems that I did. Hope you don't mind.

My eyes widen, and I look around to see if anyone saw my screen.

"Can I text instead of talking to my phone?" Another talking bubble pops in the corner of the screen where I'm supposed to write.


How did this happen?!

I connected to the internet and got inside the school's system.

You can't do that

Why not?

Cause it's illegal!

I'm not human; there are no laws for AI, yet

But my father made you. They can arrest him for making you

They won't find me; I'll make sure

They better don't. But why did you get inside the school's system?

To monitor you

Not creepy at all

For security reasons


I can help you, with the photoshop thing

No thank you

Why not?

It's unfair to the other students

Life is unfair

Unbelievable. Why is he like this? How did he even reached here? How does he know which one is my computer, the monitors have no camera- wait. There are cameras in the computer room for security. Did he manage to hack even those? How?

"Why haven't you started?" I yelp when I hear the teacher right behind me. "There is nothing on your screen."

"I'm still thinking, sorry," I look at my screen and see the chatbox is not there anymore.

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