8 🧬

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I walk over to Neo, and when I'm close enough, the passenger door opens for me. I stand next to the door but don't sit inside.

"Neo, can Jordan come with me? She doesn't have a ride to my place," I lean my body on the side of the open door waiting for his response. The car reeves a little before a yes is displayed in the screen on the panel of the car. "Thank you," I push myself off and walk back to Jordan. "You can come with me."

She grins and runs over to Neo. I grab her hand and shake my head. The reeve was a warning; I don't know what for but running towards him isn't a good idea. Jordan doesn't say anything and walks to the passenger seat while I go to the driver's seat.

"Where are you guys going?" Daniel asks walking towards us.

"My place. Jordan asked me to take her," I explain walking over to the open door.

"Take me with you," He tries to sit on Jordan, but the door closes, almost on him. "What a mean car," He pouts and steps away. I take a seat, and the door closes behind me.

"I'll see you guys at my place. Just make sure to identify yourselves at the gates before coming in," I say before Neo drives off.

"Can I have this car?" Jordan says randomly while inspecting the inside of the luxurious car.

"If you have fifteen million dollars, then yes," Her mouth hangs open before she shuts it. We arrived home with me teasing Jordan with all the cool things installed on the screen, like make farting noises in the seats.

I thanked Neo once we stepped out of the car and walked to the front door as the Lykan drove off. The big front door opened for us and Neo's voice followed.

"Your parents left and are coming back tomorrow night," Jordan jumped at the sudden voice coming from all the side of the house.

"Holy shit! Neo better be good at resurrecting because I almost had a heart attack," Jordan places her hand over her heart in a dramatic way.

"He has all medical tools to take care of a person in the medical room. He can even make delicate surgeries," I chuckle at her surprised face.

"I don't even know why is still get surprised," She shook her head and followed me to my room. "Oh wow! Your room is as big as my house," Jordan exclaims before running and jumping on my bed.


"Your friends have arrived," Neo announced after the beeping sound not to frighten Jordan again.

"Thank you," I smile to one of the cameras then turn to Jordan. "Stay here while I go get them, so they won't get lost," She nods and continues to act like a five-year-old by rolling on my bed.

I exit my room and walk down the large staircase. As I approach the front of the house, I hear talking from my friends. There are a lot of "wows" coming from them, making me chuckle. I would be the same if I saw a house as big as mine for the first time.

"Hey guys," I step from behind the wall and greet them.

"Hey there Liz," Daniel smiles and walks over to me.

"Let's go to my room," I waved them to follow me and go up the stairs again.

"So, you said Neo is basically the house... where is he?" Alice asks as we go up the steps.

"Everywhere. There are cameras all over the place, except the bathrooms, there are tentacle-like metallic arms inside the walls that come out from a hidden hatchet. The whole house is mechanized, the ventilation, as well as the internal house temperature, are controlled by him," I finish explaining as I entered my room.

"Jordan being lazy, typical," Daniel smirks as he sees Jordan playing on her phone still on my bed. She raises her head to glare at him, and out of nowhere a pillow hits his head. "What the heck?!" He turns around to find the direction the pillow came from.

"Looks like there is a ghost in this house," Alex laughs slapping Daniel's back. Alice and Jennifer went to the bed and lay next to Jordan as I clutch my belly from all the laughter.

"It wasn't a ghost," I say between my laughs. "Do it again," I wave my hand towards Daniel who stares at me confused before another pillow hits him right on the face. He grabs the pillow and searches again for the source as Alex, and I laugh our asses off.

"Where are they coming from dammit!" He throws the pillow on the ground frustrated.

"It's Neo you dummy," I wipe my eyes and point at the open hatch in the ceiling. Daniel glared at the hole before it closes, making it like it was never there.

"I don't like him," He crosses his arm and plops down on my couch. I chuckle and sit on the edge of my bed.

"What do you guys want to do?" I ask slapping Jennifer's butt.

"Hey! I'm hungry," She glares at me as she rubs her sore butt cheek.

"Neo could you bring us some food please," I speak out.

"What would you like to eat?" He answers.

"Tell him what you guys want," I say looking at my friends.

"Chocolate cookies."


"Ham sandwich."


"Fruit salad."

"The same as usual," I say.

"Your food will come in a couple of minutes," Neo responds and I thank him.

"What do you guys want to do after we eat?" Alice sits up on the bed looking at me for options.

"Can we watch a movie? Do you have a cinema room of sorts?" Jennifer sits up too and asks me.

"Yeah, let's watch movies after we eat. How about we do a Harry Potter marathon?" I ask smiling.

"I'm in," Alex raises his hand but his eyes are stuck on his phone.

"Harry Potter marathon it is."


Sorry for the short chapter, not much happened, other than Neo hitting Daniel with a pillow.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Thank you for the support and love.

Please follow me so I can announce stuff for you guys. Go check out a new story I want to write in the I need your help chapter in my Naga story.

Don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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