12 🧬

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I don't even know why but I lost, somehow. It surprised me since my car would somehow get boosts out of nowhere and go in front of everyone. But I lost still. I wasn't worried too much because I know this house like the back of my hand. However, Neo could probably find me with ease.

"So, I'll be the one to turn the house off. But for security reasons if this were to happen, the security cameras outside the house still work, so don't worry that someone is going to rob us," I tell my friends as we stand in the living room. "Then Daniel, you'll turn the house on after five minutes. Neo will notify you guys if I have been found or not so you guys can chill and what not."

Daniel nods, and the rest agree.

"So where do I have to turn him on?" He asks looking around.

"Come with me," I motion him to follow me. The other began to chat as he follows me to a hidden room. "Right here," I point to the panel door that opens as my hand nears it.

"So, if someone really looked for this room they can turn off the house just like that?" Daniel asks confused and curious. Both doors just opened as if they had no locks, so I don't blame him. This is an important room with most of the servers in the house as well as the power lever, so it makes sense.

"No, there are locks. This is actually the hardest room to get in, maybe even impossible to. The walls are like the ones of a bunker, and the door weighs two tons, and there are traps systems to who manages to get in."

I try my best not to chuckle at Daniel's face as his mouth hangs open in shock.

"And this panel door has almost one million volts going through it. So if one touches it, they would die instantly and turn to charcoal," I swear he would pass out any minute now.

"S-so how didn't you get electrocuted?" I chuckle as I imagine if his brain had gears, they would be stuck from the information.

"Oh, Neo turned off the electricity of course. Only my parents and I are allowed in this room. And you know what I find the coolest thing here? Is the sound of electricity going through the panel door."

I know I'm weird, but I think it's cool and dangerous to hear the high tension current in the room. I close the panel door and take a step back so Neo can turn on the power current. Daniel jumps back when the loud sound of electricity starts in the room with a roaring start.

I grab his hand when he begins to take steps back to get out of the room.

"It's safe," I pull him back and raise my hand to touch the panel. His eyes go wide with worry when my hand is almost reaching the panel, but they turn confused when I touch it, and nothing happens. "See, Neo turned it off."

I then tell him to move the lever up after my five minutes of hiding and get out of the room once he does because there might be a chance he gets hurt with a shock. He agrees hesitantly, and I proceed to move the heavy lever down. The entire house goes dark, and all the sound of computers and servers running die down. Daniel sets his timer, and I speed off running out of the room.

I knew the perfect place to hide which was a closet for the cleaning staff. Neo could clean the house with no problem, but my parents really like the staff and didn't want to leave them unemployed, so he let them work even if there is almost nothing to clean.

I've only hidden there two times, so I'm not worried Neo will find me in a heartbeat, my heartbeat in this case. There were only brooms, buckets, wiper blades, and cleaning products. There was only one camera that filmed the door from the inside, but not the inside of the room so I could hide inside the cabinets.

I won't lie, I'm scared of spiders if they are close to me, but if they are two meters away, I'm okay. I just hope the cabinet is clean and there are no spiders inside. All the doors, except for my parents and my room are unlocked, since they are locked both automatically and manually (their bedrooms), making it easy for me to go into rooms until I reach the cleaning closet.

It was pitch black inside, so I had to use my arms and walk slowly, so I didn't trip and fall. My feet and hands touch some stick, and after two agonizing minutes, I reached the cabinet at the back. I open the door in front of me and moved my hands around to feel if there were any cleaning products inside.

Once I found none I managed, somehow surprising me, fit myself inside and closing the door. I slowly and hesitantly moved my hands around the cabinet to the corner to feel spider webs. I let out a loud sigh when I found none; my shoulders slumped in relaxation.

Five seconds later the space between the doors of the cabinet glowed red, which meant Daniel turned the power on again. This was a starting light, like a notification the system was rebooting.

It took around ten seconds before the white lights came back on.

"Your five minutes start now," Neo's robotic voice came announced, almost making me squeak at its loudness and suddenness. "Liz's friends, please remain in the living room, so reconnaissance of the house isn't disturbed or interrupted."

Smart prick. If the other moved around the house, he would have a harder time finding me. As much as I wanted to tell them to move, I know they are scared of Neo. Also, I didn't bring my phone with me because Neo would've used it to locate me in a blink of an eye once I've sent a message or even turn it on as it immediately connects with the Wi-fi.

Sounds of metal moving inside the wall, gears turning reached my ear as Neo looked for me. I've always been fascinated with the mechanics behind the walls. I've only seen a glimpse of them when a hatch open, even then is hard since there are no lights inside.

"Three minutes remaining," He announces. I sighed in relief as there was no sign of me being found so soon. A red light then suddenly appeared inside the cabinet. My heart picked up as I was looking for the source and found it on my hand. The eyes of my snake ring glowed red, illuminating great part of the dark cabinet.

I covered it with my other hand as it was either a camera or just some random light that might slip between the gap of the doors and I would be found.

"One minute left," Yes! I cheered in my head and accidentally lifted my hand up and hit the shelf on top me, hard. My body flinched as I cringed as metal things as well as bottle fell out of the cabinet above me, making loud noises and a mess on the floor.

The metallic sounds inside the walls stopped entirely as there was nothing left to fall. I held my breath already knowing what would happen, even though I prayed time would run out and I would get food as a reward.

The lights inside the cleaning room turned off, and a weak red light was the only thing on. I blinked a couple of times before turning off and leaving me in the pitch black. The eyes of my snake ring stopped glowing, and I was getting scared by the second.

"Found you."


New chapter! Sorry for the delay but here it is.

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