15 🧬

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At first, it was boring and cringy, to say the least. I could hear both Jennifer and Alice giggle in unison, fangirling over Jamie Dornan, a.k.a Christian Grey. He is a very good looking man but not my type.

(Guys, I didn't see the movie, so I'll just skip to a sexy scene I saw on Youtube)

Anastasia, what a crap name; sorry for any Anastasia out there, was carrying a basket full of clothes into a room when Christian entered the room with two cups of wine, or champagne, I don't know.

I was too distracted by the girls giggling loudly that suddenly Christian, let's call him Chris, pushed Ana, I'll call her that, onto the bed, making her bounce.

"It's starting," The girls squeal in excitement.

"What's starting?" I ask nervously.

"Shush and watch," Alice covered my mouth and pointed at the screen.

Chris tied Ana's hands together and wrapped the tie on the metal fence-like headboard. That's so hot. He then went to the end of the bed, removed her shoes, then her leggings along with her panties.


"Just watch," Jennifer scolded me by stuffing my mouth with one of my stuffed animals. Yes, I'm seventeen by I still have stuffed animals; one unicorn and one piggy. And the one Jennifer made me almost eat was my piggy called Rosie. I took Rosie out of my mouth and rolled my eyes.

Chris then took off Ana's shirt and bra off, using them as some sort blindfold. He then grabbed one ice cube, put half in his mouth, and started sliding over Ana's skin from her neck down to her stomach, making a small stop over one of her nipples.

Why am I getting so hot? Is this suppose to happen when you watch these kinds of stuff?

Christian then turned Anastasia around and slapped her ass.

"Damn that's hot," Alice breathed out, biting down at her lip. Chris took off his pants and slammed into Ana, of course, the camera didn't film that, but it was still noticeable. "I think I need to go to the bathroom," Alice commented before jumping out of my bed and running to my bathroom.

"Me too," Jennifer piped in and ran to the bathroom as well.

"Wait, why are you going there?" I asked in confusion.

"To masturbate, duh? We know you're too innocent, so we'll do here, so you don't have to see this," Alice says before she closes and locks the door.

"M-masturbate?" I'm not all innocent since I've watched porn once or twice and heard my friends, especially the boys talk about dirty stuff, but have someone doing in real life, in my bathroom is an entirely different story. "W-what- Neo?"

"Yes?" He spoke for the first time since the movie started, which was now paused.

"Are they really... masturbating?" I whisper that last word.

"You know there are no cameras in the bathroom," Neo said in an obvious tone.

"I know, but there are still mics. And please don't let me hear them," I cover my face as it heats up.

"Why do you ask that?" His speaker moves from being from all the corners of the room to right next to my bed.

"I don't know, maybe because my friends are doing stuff in my bathroom after watching a rather very sexy scene of a very sexy guy," I rambled on.

"And?" I swear if he had a body, I would've thrown a pillow at his face.

"Forget it," I rolled my eyes and made myself comfortable on my bed. "Now I'm feeling weird," I complained as I clenched my thighs. My body feels hotter and hotter as I think of the scene we just watched.

"You're aroused," I sat up on my bed in lightning speed as I stared wide-eyed at the TV that now had Neo's green smiley face rather than the paused movie.

"How do you even know that?!" I exclaimed horrified.

"Your levels of estrogen have increased, and my odor sensors also show me that-"

"Shut up already!" I grab two pillows and cover my ears. "That's not true, it isn't me, leave me alone!" I was full of embarrassment. A faint smell in the air made the heat of my body concentrate between my legs, making me feel tingly all over. "Please make it stop," I whined. 

"I can help you."

"Help me? With what?"

"Do you want my help?" He asks, completely ignoring my question.

"Y-yes?" I ask more than answer. I don't know what he will do, but he's a program, not an actual person, so why am I so worried. The room suddenly goes pitch black with not a single source of light. "Um, Neo?" I call out. Does it take this long to masturbate? I think when I notice the girls didn't come out of the bathroom.

"It's better if you don't see or you'll give up on it," Neo says. I hear the smooth sound of a hatch opening and the small metallic noises coming from the same place.

"What are you doing?" I ask when I feel the blanket shift.

"I won't hurt you in any way, so relax and enjOy," His voice somewhat glitches, but I give no thought. A cold surface touches my legs, making me flinch in surprise. "Relax," I let out a shaky breath as the metallic surface moves up my shin to the middle of my thigh.

"Neo, what will you do?" I ask in curiosity.

"Help you."

"I know that, but won't this feeling go away naturally?" The metal surface stops moving.

"It will but do you want to feel annoyed that it takes longer to wear off, or end it quickly while feeling good?" I bit my lower lip as I weigh my options.

"I never did something like masturbate... is it good?"

"From what I've analyzed in porn videos, as well as scientific papers about sexual pleasure and people's stories about it, it is good," Should I? I've always wanted to feel pleasure whenever Alice told about her hookup stories, even if Daniel and Alex tell about them too, they are boys, and Alice is a girl. "Do you still want to do it?"

I nod my head, fully aware that Neo can see me with his night vision cameras.

"I recommend that you take off your shorts and underwear," I eyes widen at that.

"W-why?" I stutter.

"You'll know when it happens," A small current of air hits my warm skin as the blanket rises and the metal surface is no longer touching my leg. I mutter a small 'okay' and proceed to take off my shorts and underwear, still leaving them under the blanket in case my friends end their business.

"What now?" I feel the blanket lower down, and the metal surface is now in my inner thigh. Neo doesn't speak again as what I now assume to be a thin metal arm open my legs a bit. "Neo?"

I yelp when a cold, flat surface clamps down over my sacred area up to the junction of my legs.

"Wha-What? Neo, what's this?" I panic and try to take it off. "Neo- Oh God," I moan when I feel it vibrating.

"Don't worry; it will be over soon. I'll make sure you feel the pleasure you deserve, darling."


Oh, God. This was cringy and hard to write, so forgive me if it's weird.

New chapter, yay! I hope you guys liked it.

I think some of you must have noticed I posted a couple of stories last week and unpublished them yesterday. There is still one, that is a Harry Potter fanfic, still there for you guys, in which I'll unpublish Saturday. So make sure to check it out.

As for the other stories (I'll post about this on my message board), the story with the most votes was The Indoraptor. So that will be most likely the next story I'll write about.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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