28 🧬

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I woke up in a completely different place than I went to sleep. Yesterday I was on the couch, laying my head on a leg, and now I am on a bed, alone. I had a dreamless sleep, with nothing formed in my mind I am surprised I am now well-rested. Yesterday was so tiresome I'm not surprised I slept so well. However, I'm wondering who brought me to my room. Was it Daniel or Neo?

"Good morning, darling," Neo greets me as I sit up on my bed. "Did you sleep well?"

"I didn't dream of anything really. It was just blank," I tell him as I stare at nothing. "Who brought me to my bed? Was it you?" My eyes shift from my bedsheets to the closest visible camera in the corner of the room.

"It was Daniel," His answer was short and simple, yet I heard a difference in his voice as if he was annoyed. "Breakfast is being readied and only Jennifer is awake," I nod and get off the bed. I should thank Daniel later.

Once I get inside my closet I notice my clothes were changed into my normal pajamas. It was definitely Neo who changed me. I remove my clothes, feeling goosebumps form on my skin as a sudden chill air hit my warm body. One of my fingers twitches from something constricting on it as I make a move to grab new clothes. As I pull the clothes out of the drawer, my eyes catch silver encasing my finger as well as ruby.

The ring was back on my finger without me noticing it. How did it come back, I left it on the plane pilot seat. Carefully I grab the ring with my other hand, slowly pulling it off, surprised that it came off smoothly. The red eyes glowed and dimmed their light every so often, blinking slowly.

Part of me wanted to throw this thing down the drain, never to see it again. However, the other part wanted to keep it as it became addicted to the pleasure it brought to me on the plane. It wasn't something I wanted yet I didn't deny it, my mind was in conflict – still is.

"Neo," I whisper softly, staring at the ring in hand.

"Yes, my darling," His robotic voice replied tenderly.

"Can I have control of this?" My hand lifts up a bit so the ring is more visible from most angles.

"Care to elaborate?" My cheeks flush from embarrassment, in hopes that he would understand what I meant at first.

"I would like to control the ring... how and when it moves and... do stuff," I lowered my head, feeling even more abashed. "Please don't make me elaborate that even more."

"Is my darling after pleasure only I can give?" The teasing and suggesting tone on his voice only makes me realize even more what I am asking for. Yet, it doesn't change my mind.

"I want to be able to control it. God knows when you would do it. I want to have full control of the ring and only have you come in if I ask," A small amount of courage surges through me as I clear my throat to sound more confident.

"Your wish is my command. Just plug your phone and I will make an app just for that," He doesn't question anymore and I am relieved. "You can come and get your phone after breakfast," I slide the ring back onto my finger, finish dressing myself before stepping out of my closet and bedroom.

As Neo said, there was Jennifer, looking like a zombie, sitting on the counter stool with hot steam coming out of the mug in her hand as she stared into nothing. Her disheveled hair and dark circles under her eyes tell me she didn't get to sleep much.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Her dead eyes steadily move to meet mine in deadly glare, only getting a chuckle from me as a response.

"Ha, ha, very funny. It's not my fault Alice kept climbing over me, taking over my side of the bed every fucking hour," She scoffs and turns to look at nothing once again. "Next time I sleep with her I'll make a cocoon out of the blankets around her."

The look of determination and anger on her face made me chuckle a bit. The smell of food being cooked reached my nose, followed by the sound of sizzling and bubbling.

"Your AI said to wait a couple of minutes for breakfast to be ready, and since I was a little too grumpy he made me a hot chocolate," A small smile of gratitude forms on her lips as she takes a small sip of her drink and sighs in delight. "If I had him in my house I would ask for this every day."

"Neo sure does know how to make the best hot chocolate ever," The kitchen lights blink twice, and I know is Neo saying thank you.

"So I guess Alice is still in deep sleep."

"Oh yes, is like she is dead or drugged," It was Jennifer's time to chuckle. "As for the boys... only God knows if they are even alive," The ring tightness just a bit before relaxing again after her words. Weird.

"If I know them for long enough, I know that they will be sleeping for half a day, maybe even more if we let them," I sigh, leaning against the counter and watching the food get ready.


Gosh, it's been so long since I've updated. But I am back.

Just a fill in. I would've written more but I have a doubt because I forget things. How long was it before the trip to the island? Did I write anything like that? Thanks if anyone helps me, it will make updating go faster.

Make sure to follow me, check out my story on Inkitt with the link in one of my messages in my conversations.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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