14 🧬

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I choked on my saliva and stared at Alice as if she was crazy.

"What?! Now!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! Why not?" Jennifer whined.

"Yeah, it's going to be fun. And we don't have the boys to whine or make immature jokes while we watch it," Alice reasoned.

"But I don't want to," I threw my head back on the couch, closing my eyes. "It's too cringy."

"It's hot," Jennifer said. I opened my eyes and gave them my puppy eyes, pleading for them to give up the idea.

"No, we're watching at that's final," Alice said in a serious but playful tone that gave no room for discussion.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat.

"Let's go to your room," The two girls stood up and ran upstairs before I had a say in anything.

"Do you want me to make some popcorn and ready your room for the movie?" Neo asked as I stared at the empty living room.

"Yes please," I stood up from the couch and lazily walked up the stairs to my room.

"AH!" A shriek came from my room, probably Alice. I walked a bit faster and was just in time to see her running to my bathroom before slamming the door closed.

"What happened?" I asked Jennifer, who stood close to my balcony door.

"Well, as soon as we entered your room, these metal arms came out of the walls and started moving things around. Also, all your couches are gone, your bed is almost twice the size as before, you have more pillows, I can no longer see your humungous garden, and where all those drinks came from?" She said while pointing at the things in my room that were different.

"Oh, that was just Neo fixing my bedroom to look more cinema like. He is also making some popcorn," I explain.

"Well, Alice got too scared and chickened out to the bathroom," I chuckle and try to open the bathroom door, but it was locked.

"Alice, open the door," I knock on the bathroom door, calling for her.

"No! What if a hole opens on your floor and I fall in and get mauled by saws!?" Is this girl crazy?

"There are no hatches on the floor- wait, there are, but only for moving furniture," Crap, I just made it worse.

"What if it thinks I'm a piece of furniture, huh?!"

"There are cameras in the room and sensors. Open the door goddammit!" I knock harder.

"No!" Alice shouts back, and I sigh.

"Neo, please."


The lock clicks and I open the door to stare at a shocked Alice.

"Wha- How?"

"I'm done explaining shit. You said you wanted to watch freaking Fifty Shades of Grey, now get on my bed and watch the damn movie," I point to my bed, speaking in a mom scolding tone.

Alice sighs and hesitantly walks out of the bathroom.

"Boo!" Jennifer comes from the corner and scares Alice.

"AH!" Alice screams and starts hitting Jennifer. "Stop scaring me!" She hits Jennifer after every word.

"Ow! That hurts!" Jennifer starts hitting Alice, and they slowly make their way to my bed while fighting.

"Why I'm their friends again," I whisper to myself as I try to separate them.

After two minutes of a pep talk for Alice to chill and Jennifer to calm down, we had our warm, buttery and caramelized popcorn, thick blankets, and the movie playing on the screen for us.

"No to be mean or anything but I would do way better acting than Dakota Johnson in this movie," Jennifer sighs.

"At being a fake bitch," Alice snickers, getting a pillow thrown at her face.

"Oh my God, stop it already," I hit the two who sat/laid on each side of me. "I'm going to change to Alien: Covenant if you two don't shut the fuck up," I knew they hated horror, so this was a good enough threat.

In an instant, the two stopped bickering and silently watched the movie. 

(Just some information, I never watched any of the Fifty Shades of Grey movies, so forgive me if there is a lack on movie scenes. I asked my friend that watched it and looked up on Youtube.)


Shorter than the last but it's just another filler chapter.

I've already started to write the next one, so it shouldn't take long for me to post it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you next chapter.

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