5 🧬

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"I'm so excited. You should've told us earlier so I could get prepared," Alice slapped my arm as we sat down in our lunch table.  She had wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale but tanned skin. She was one of the queen bees of the school but not a mean one, quite the opposite actually. She was one of the friendliest students in the school.

"True, I don't think my mom will let me go to your place without telling her in advancement, but I'll tell you her answer later," Jeniffer comments

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"True, I don't think my mom will let me go to your place without telling her in advancement, but I'll tell you her answer later," Jeniffer comments. She had short light brown hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin.

 She had short light brown hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin

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"I think I hear it too," Sits down Daniel and Alex on the table. Daniel had black hair, somewhat long for a boy, dark brown eyes and those earrings that stretch your ear.

 Daniel had black hair, somewhat long for a boy, dark brown eyes and those earrings that stretch your ear

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Then there was Alex. He also had relatively long hair for a boy, dark brown, green-blue eyes, and let me tell you, thick eyebrows. 

Both were your typical bad boys, rude, arrogant, mean, and cold

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Both were your typical bad boys, rude, arrogant, mean, and cold. But once you got close to them, they are just cuddly bears, adorable and loving; but sometimes they are just too annoying.

"It's not gossip, we are having a slumber party at Liz's house," Jordan explains to the two who missed the whole conversation.

"We did have a party to attend to today," Alex looks at Daniel as if they were talking in their heads. I swear they were twins in their previous life.

"I've think you've slept with enough girls this week," Alice give them a fake smile.

"It's Tuesday," Daniel interjects.

"Exactly," All of us girls say at the same time.

"No need to gang up on us, gosh," Alex says dramatically.

My phone vibrated with a notification. I looked down at it and saw it was a message from Neo. My father had downloaded him on my phone for practical reasons.


Your parent is going for dinner tonight and will only come back tomorrow night. You are free to invite your friends.

The message said.


Thank you, Neo :)

You're welcome. Do you want for me to get something for you for the sleepover?

I don't think so. Thanks again

Anything for you, my darling

"Who are you texting?" Alice asks with a smirk on her lips.

"Neo, not your fantasy crush you think I have," I rolled my eyes and turned off my phone.

"So you have a crush and didn't tell me?" Daniel who was next to me placed his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't have a crush. I've told you that. Alice keeps saying I have one because I keep looking at my phone," I glare playfully at the blonde in front of me as I explain.

"Why do you keep looking at your phone?" I look at him with a are you serious look.

"I've already told you! I text Neo, that's what I do," I exclaim feeling fed up.

"Who's Neo?" I almost had a mental breakdown when Alex asked.

"You guys smoke too much for your own good," Jordan shakes her head and drinks her soda.

"It's her cool ass computer program thing. He controls her house, car, and phone. Pretty cool in my opinion," Jennifer tells them.

"So that's why you always come alone in the car," Daniel says in realization.

"Exactly," I sigh.

"Well, show me this Neo," Daniel pulls me closer to him. I mumble alright and place my phone off the desk.

"Neo, turn on please," I tap the screen. The screen turns on, and my phone unlocks even with me not typing my password. It then opens Neo's app that only I have and his smiley face appears.

"Wow, that's so cool," Alex said in awe.

"Yep, they smoked before coming here," Alice comments.

"Hello, I am Neo," The boys' face turned into a surprised one when Neo speaks.

"Holy shit! Can it get into my phone?" Daniel places his hand over his thigh where his phone is.

"I mean, it's an AI, he is connected to the internet from what I saw from his new update. So probably, yeah," Daniel takes his arm from around my shoulders and scoots away. "What? Got any compromising pictures or texts in that?" I wiggle my eyebrow teasingly.

"Maybe," He looks at me suspiciously.

"I bet he has nudes in there, tons of it," Jordan whispers to Jennifer and they both chuckle.


"Time to go to class. You can turn off now Neo," I picked my phone as the screen went black once more and headed to my next class.


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