25 🧬

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"What was that?" I demand as I look at one of the monitors, waiting for the green smiley face to appear.

"What was what?" Neo's innocent voice only angered me further.

"In the shower. What did you do? And what if this ring?!" I take the ring from my finger and slap it down on the chair to my right. "How did I not know that it could move?!"

"Now, now, darling. No need to be shouting or throwing things around. Take a seat for me, and try not to press any buttons," Neo's taunting voice made me roll my eyes, but I sat nevertheless. "What a pretty dress you're wearing," The screen in the middle turned in to the green smiley face I was now angry at.

"Cut the flattering Neo. What was that all about, huh?!"

"Don't scream at me, darling, or I'll have to punish you," The screen glitched, and I felt the airplane shake for one second.

"This is not you Neo, I'm not liking this," I pull my knees to my chest and hug them. This Neo is different; it isn't the same caring and sweet Neo I've known all these years. Maybe it's because of what happened days ago when my friends were over. Either way, I don't think I like this.

"Don't be sad or afraid, my darling. This is the same me; nothing has changed. And to answer your questions, I'm just doing my job in helping you with your carnal desires, even though it's not what I can truly offer, it is for now. And sorry for not informing you of the ring, it was supposed to be a surprise. Whenever you're feeling needy, you can just ask for me to help you, if you are in school or a public place. Other than that, I can help you just like in the shower, at home, in a car, in a family plane, yacht, any house, the company; anywhere I am, I can help you."

"You-you mean you can do outside of the shower too?" Why am I asking this? I'm supposed to be mad at him. But why do I want more?

"Let me show you," The two armrests opened in half and snapped close on my arms as something I didn't see locked my ankles in place but slid to the sides, opening my legs. I struggled against the restraints, regretting to come here by myself.

The yoke, also known as the control wheel, started rotating clockwise, startling me as I thought the plane would lean to the side, but it didn't, and I didn't know if it terrifies me more. The circle in the middle opened as the two handles opened as well and started transforming. The yoke slid forward, making me tug even more my restraints, but it was no use as it kept coming closer, and I wasn't making any progress at escaping.

"Neo, stop this!" I shout angrily.

"Why refuse pleasure, my darling? I'm only doing what's best to you," His sweet, robotic voice made me sick; however, my compliance and lack of fight were making me sick too.

I shouldn't enjoy this. I should hate this.

"Because you're forcing me! You shouldn't do this to me," My voice started strong but only got smaller by the end.

"I think you are more than willing to do this. Just relax and joy while I give you more pleasure, and you enjoy the view," The control wheel came closer, adjusting itself between my legs, just by my knees.

I stopped struggling and accepted what was going to happen. There is no escape, and it wasn't like Neo is going to hurt me, at least not intentionally. He just wants to make me feel good, right?

I close my eyes, and the last thing I see and feel is two small, shinny, metal tentacle come out of the opening of the yoke, followed by a slightly bigger one and my panties being pushed aside.

The only sounds in the cockpit are the plane's engines, the air hitting the outside of the craft, and my moans. The only thing going through my mind is the pleasure that makes my body twitch and heat up.

Ten minutes later, I walk out of the cockpit and walk by my friends to the room. Once I change my underwear, the next thing I do is fall on the bed, tucking myself under the covers, and falling asleep.

When I wake up, I hear moaning and groaning. Feeling how sleepy I feel, I only slept for an hour or two, so we had enough time until we reach New York. Thinking the boys found some porn to watch, I walk out of the room to the main area where my friends are supposed to be.

I halt my steps when I only see Jennifer and Alex eating some snacks while chatting. Alice and Daniel are gone.

"Umm, guys, where are the other two?" I ask, thinking the worst. The two snap their heads to my direction and smile.

"Oh, they went to the room next to yours. I think they went to sleep or something," Jennifer answers with a shrug. "Do you have any gossip magazine? Alex, did you hear about-" I shut her out and put the pieces together.

Alice and Daniel in a room next to mine. Moaning and groaning next to my room. They are having sex.

Even with my somewhat crush on Daniels shatters along with my heart. He was that cute friend you have that you've always felt something for them, in hopes they feel it back, only then you'd let those feelings intensify.

But now, he and my best friend are having sex in my family's airplane. Even if I had my AI do... stuff to me, I find it highly disrespectful and heartbreaking.

"Ask Neo for magazines. I'll be in the bathroom if anybody needs me," I said numbly before going to the bathroom from earlier. Only letting the tears fall once the door locked behind me. It was a silent cry, only tears slipping out of my eyes while I stare at myself through the mirror.

My eyes are red shot and my cheek red, where the tears make their path down to my chin before falling onto the marble sink.

"Why did I have to like him, Neo? I should've known his eyes were on Alice. I don't blame him, she's beautiful while I'm just pretty," I speak out loud my thoughts. "I've never felt, but it was always there, the want to have someone there for me — a boyfriend. And my only choice was Daniel, and there he goes and has sex with one of my best friends," My voice gets louder as anger comes through me and I grip the corner of the sink.

"I'm sorry, my darling," Neo's robotic voice empties the silence after my small outburst.

"It's not your fault Neo, don't worry about it," I wipe the new tears, but they just keep coming out, getting me angrier. "I'm so freaking stupid!" I shout at myself and grip my hair. "Imagine if I were in actual love with him, it would've been hurting so much more than it is now," I whisper.

"Don't hurt yourself, Elizabeth. He's not worth it," I'm shocked at first, halting my tears as Neo barely or never calls me by my name, only darling. "I'm sorry for letting this ruin your day. I sure that it will all get better soon, really soon."


Hey guys, this update came faster than the last one, right?

Just some lime for you guys, even though it wasn't very descriptive, mainly because I wrote it on the plane on my way to Panama to make a connection to Brazil, and let's just say I was tired.

Did you guys like it?

What do you think will happen?

Yandere Neo is starting to show a bit.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes of sorts, I will correct them once I'm home with my computer in a day or so. (Edit: mistakes fixed)

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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