29 🧬

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"How does this even happen?" Alex sighs loudly, clearly annoyed. "I told you guys to walk close, but what does she do? She walks away," His exasperated breathing makes a chuckle leave my lips, before stopping as he sends a glare in my direction.

"I thought she was holding your hand, Jennifer," Daniel accuses the dazed girl.

"Huh? I thought she was holding your hand, or walking with Liz," I turn to Jennifer with a quizzical look marrying my face.

"Wasn't she ahead of us?" This causes the three to let out a frustrated breath.

"And Alice had to leave her phone in the apartment. Just great, what a typical blonde," Alex rolls his eyes and clutches his head.

Long story short of what happened, we planned on spending the day in Central Park, walking around the places we couldn't go to yesterday. However, dear Alice was only noticed to be missing two hours into our walk. We suspect she wandered off or stopped while we kept walking. Either way, she is lost, with no phone, ten bucks in her pockets, and in a dress.

I told her to wear shorts or leggings since we would be walking quite a bit and maybe have a picnic. And one would like not to have to worry about others seeing their undies.

Going back to the main problem, I was the only one with a phone. I planned on also leaving it behind so I wouldn't get distracted, but Neo convinced me to take it. The ring was still on my finger, and I had yet to be tempted to take it out and use it.

The app Neo made for me is rather simple and also explained it to me. All I have to do is either put it inside myself – when alone in my rook or something like that – press the [start] button, and it should do its thing. If I am around people and just feel the need, I can drop it beside me, click the button [move], and it will go.

"Maybe we should go back to Liz's apartment and wait for her there," Jennifer suggests.

"If she does go back, Neo is already there to open the door for her. And if she does go back, she'll probably call me. I can tell her where we are at, and she can come," They all nod at my idea before resuming our walk. I walk a little slower, still keeping an eye on my friends, so I enjoy a bit more the greeny place.

My eyes drift from the tall trees to Daniel, who has a strange look on his face from my side view. His facial expression is one of discomfort, and his skin has gotten significantly pale. Is he sick?

As much as I feel betrayed, heartbroken by what he and Alice did back on the plane, I want to ask him if he is okay. Yet, it's probably the sickness you get when the night is too cold, so he should be fine in a couple of days.

Thirty minutes later, we got to the Bow Bridge, where we would set our picnic on the lawn. It was a good thing not to hand anything to Alice, or any of us girl as the boys – more like Alex – volunteered to carry the food, plates, drinks, cups, and a large rug to place over the grass. Daniel only agreed after the four of us kept nagging.

 Daniel only agreed after the four of us kept nagging

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(The place)

With the help of Jennifer, we spread the red and white, squared rub over the grass, and used our shoes and sandals to hold the edges down. Daniel and Alex took a seat with the baskets placed next to them. I crouched next to the one Alex was holding and look at the contents inside.

"Hmm, Neo made us lots of delicious snacks," I murmur to myself, followed by my tongue, licking my lips in anticipation of the tasty food.

"Damn, your AI making us Michelin Star food once again," Alex hypes up as he inspects the contents with me. "We have two small fancy food boards with all kinds of rich people delicacies," I pull out one of the food boards and place it on the center.

"There should be a wooden disk we can place any drink, so they don't fall from the irregular grass," I point out to Jennifer as she looks into Daniel's basket. She nods and pulls out the wooden disk and placed it next to the food boards. "There should be fresh orange and lemon juice as well as some grape juice," I tell Alex as he fumbles about in the basket.

"What is this?" Daniel asks as he points to a toast with fish eggs on top.

"That's caviar. Not my favorite of snacks, but it's a starter. If you don't like it there are different kinds of cheese, parma hams, carpaccio, and fruits," I send him a small smile before turning back to Alex.

"Damn, Alice is missing on good food, I hope she is not completely lost like a headless chicken and went back to the apartment," Jennifer confesses between chuckles.

An idea pops in my head as I take a seat next to her, then pull out my phone from my bag. I click on messages and send a message to Neo with my left hand as I lean my body back on my right hand.


Did Alice come back to my place?

A few seconds later, he replied.


No, she hasn't

She is currently standing in front of a McDonald's

How would he know her location if she doesn't have her phone? I ask myself.


How do you know that? Can you see her from the apartment building?

No, I have access to the security cameras in the city and located her at a McDonalds eating chicken nuggets

How do you even get access to that sort of thing?!

Now, now, darling, that is something we can discuss later on.

I will just say that since I have gotten access to the internet, I can get myself into any system that connects to it, no matter how encrypted

That's wrong, you shouldn't be doing this

You are violating public and private information, maybe even federal

That can get my dad into trouble if anyone finds out

It won't happen, you need to have a little trust in me, darling

[Typing...] I do trust you, but if my dad gets in trouble for your doing I'll-

You will what?

My heart stops for a second, as Neo replied before I could even send. I knew he had somewhat control over my phone, but not enough to see what I am typing.


Do I need to show you who's in charge?

The phone turned off, followed by a feeling of something move inside my shorts. My eyes snap to my short just in time to see something moving under it, then to the hand I am leaning on, only to see the ring is gone.


That was quicker than the last update, am I right?

I don't know how accurate Wattpad analytics are but around 400 people read the story when I posted a new chapter. If it is accurate, can you guys vote for me 😭

Make sure to follow me.

I wanted something'bad' to happen to Alice, but I'll hold it for later. For anyone who is asking for blood.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

Yandere AI ✔️Where stories live. Discover now