26 🧬

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We landed in New York a couple of hours later. During that time, I locked myself in my room until it was time for landing, where I was required to take a seat in the main area for safety purposes. I didn't dare look at Alice and Daniel, not even through my peripherals.

Jennifer asked why I didn't come out of my room the whole flight, but thankfully Neo began talking about the weather and unnecessary stuff, taking away my friend's attention from me. Alex was knocked out cold on his seat while I could hear the couple whispering to each other.

As soon as the plane landed, it took a lot in me not to bolt out of it and get in a car of my own. However, being the kind person I am, I stayed behind, looking for anything personal left behind, yet I did not dare to enter the room that most likely reeked of sex.

"If you find anything in there, burn it," I informed Neo as I stood in front of the room's closed door. "In fact, have everything burned and reformed."

"Gladly, my darling," I walked to the door of the plane, thankful for the fresh air reaching every space in my lungs, making me relax enough. I placed my hand on the side of the door for support, and before I could take it off, a metal clamp closed over my wrist.

"What now Neo," I exhaled loudly, not in the mood for anything other than sleeping.

"I'll make the wrong they made right. I promised you that," Quick like that, the clamp let me go, and the plane door started closing slowly. I walked out of its way and went down the stairs to the cars that awaited us. It was two cars, the same ones that took us to the airport back home, but a bit smaller. One was for the girls and the other for the boys, for girl talk.

The boys' car already went on its way to my family's apartment, leaving the girls' car behind with the back door opened. Should I face Alice? Would it be too obvious if I chose to sit in the front? Would Neo try anything if I did? Not wanting for the latter to happen again, I decided to sit with my friends, even if I detest the idea.

"And then he pulled my legs up and- Oh! Liz, there you are! Come already! The boys made a bet on who would reach your apartment first," Alice called out. I knew she was talking about her intercourse with Daniel, and I hope she doesn't continue with it all the way to the apartment.

"They won't win. Neo can drive their car slowly while driving ours fast," I spoke in a monotonous tone.

"That's genius!" She exclaimed, completely oblivious I hated her for the time being. "So, going back to what I was telling Jennifer, Daniel and I-"

"Ms. Grace. Please put your seat belts. We don't want any accidents just as the trip is starting, do we?˘" Neo knows precisely when to butt in a conversation.

"Why am I the only one he is telling to put on the seatbelt- oh," She stopped complaining when she noticed both Jennifer and I already had our seatbelts on. For the rest of the ride, my two friends jammed on some old school music, singing their hearts out while I sat quietly, my anger slowly diminishing, but never leaving.

We reach the apartment building soon enough, and obviously before the boys do. Even in a sour mood, I can't help but smile at my friends who look out the car's window with their mouths hanging open. I can only imagine what they will look like once they get inside.

The boys arrived two minutes later, complaining endlessly and accusing us of cheating.

"How is it fair to have Liz – the one this AI thing follows without questioning – and expect the car she is in to lose?" That was the first thing Alex said when he stepped out of the car.

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