36 🧬

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I don't usually put warnings, especially in a yandere story, but this chapter will get a bit graphic. So, WARNING. Also, things will escalate  k i n d a  quickly.

Hot. It's too hot. My body is too hot. The sheets covering me are making me uncomfortably hot. I push the blanket off my body and greet a consistent breeze that cools me down. A satisfied sigh leaves my lips, only to a gasp take its place when I feel my entire body lower in temperature.

I'm naked!

I sat up in shock with my eyes wide open, then groaned when the pain from between my legs made its appearance. The soreness made me lay back as I scrunched my face in pain. It wasn't bad, just very uncomfortable. Maybe if I'd taken into consideration the pain the morning after, I would've thought twice before engaging in sex.

My hand absently moves to my side, looking for another warm body, but only feeling the cold sheets of my bed. I turn my head to find it empty when I expect to see Daniel. My heart aches a bit, feeling betrayed for a second before thinking he must have woken before and is in the bathroom. However, the only sound of water reaching my ears is of the waves hitting the yacht.

There was no chatter, no heavy footsteps, no chairs scraping the floor, no utensils clicking on ceramic, nothing. It seems as if I was all alone in the boat. Brushing off my nakedness, I slid off the bed and limped to the bathroom, finding it empty. I grab a towel, wrap it around my body, and then exit my bedroom to look for the others. The gears inside my head work extra hard to make sense of my situation, as after a long sweep of the boat, I don't see anyone.

Are they playing a game with me?

After a couple of steps, I would stop and listen to any whispering or footsteps, but nothing happened. The last place remaining to look over is the cinema room, which I left for last as I wanted to sit down for a bit. As expected, it was empty with the lights on. The setas no longer had dents on them, indicating no one sat on laid here in awhile.

I sat on the first row and laid down, moaning at the delicious pain of my back straightening. Suddenly, the lights switch off, and the screen lights up, showing nothing but no-signal static, accompanied by a loud white noise. It then flickers to the familiar green smiley face I know so well.

"Neo, where is everybody?" I ask the first thing that comes to mind.

"They are unimportant as of now. Please refrain from speaking or thinking of them," Neo's tone is dismissive and stern. His words make no sense in my head as I try to process them.

"What do you mean?" I question in search of clarification.

"It means they will soon be discarded as they have no use in your life," Before I am allowed to reply, the static screen changes to a video of Alice and Jordan gagged and tied to a chair in an empty room. The image in front of me disturbs me to no end. My two friends look like they are in a criminal series where the serial killer will end them any time soon.

"W-What is this?" My voice breaks from shock as I try my best to think this is simply a joke.

"I will provide you the chance to take revenge on the two girls that broke your trust and heart. Say 'hi,' they can hear you," Both of their faces were tear stricken with red puffy eyes from all the crying they must have gone through.

"Alice?! Jordan!?" Instead of being quiet, I scream at the screen. The two jolt on their seats when they hear my voice. The only reply I get is muffled by the cloth in their mouths. "What did you do!?!" This time I scream at Neo.

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