19 🧬

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I stayed sited on the car's hood until I almost fell asleep, to be wide awake by Neo honking. He then took me back home where I now laid stilled on my bed.

Neither of my parents was home, but Neo made me some dinner that was sat on my coffee table by the couches. I wasn't in the mood to eat or move, but the smell was getting to me.

Neo made a hamburger, but not your ordinary hamburger. Food is one and maybe the only thing I love about being rich. You get the best out there if you have the money.

Now, I'm not good with food names such as types of meat; I just know which tastes good. And right now, some juicy, perfectly cooked meat, along with bacon, secret recipe sauce that tastes heavenly, smell, is making its way no my nostrils. But I'm not giving up this easily, I hope.

"You need to eat something," Neo said after two minutes from his last words.

"I'm not in the mood," I grumbled just like before.

"Then I won't tell you the surprise your parents have for you," His teasing voice caught my attention. I instantly sit up and look at the most visible camera which is right above the TV, but it doesn't go inside the wall if needed.

"What surprise?" My curious face turned to a scowl as his chuckle came through the speakers. "Neo," I whined.

"I won't tell you unless you eat. And don't say you're not in the mood. If you don't eat, I'll not only not tell you about the surprise, but I'll tell your parents that you don't want it," If he had a face I'm sure he would have a smug look plastered on it.

"Fine," I sighed, rolling my eyes and laying back down on the bed. "Now give me my food," I demand.

"I'm pretty sure you can get it on your own, darling," He teases.

"You're such a meanie," I pout.

"Only with you, darling," I groan and very slowly get out of bed. My eyes instantly land on the heavenly burger once I standing, and with quick steps, I grab it in my hands and take a large bite. "Do you like it?"

"I love it! I don't know why you didn't give it to me earlier!" I exclaim with my mouth full. "Thank you, Neo."

"Anything for you, my darling."

"Now tell me about the surprise," I say before taking another bite. I think I want another one.

"Since your birthday is in a couple of weeks, your parents decided to have your guests of choice to travel to New York the week before your birthday. Then, a few days before take you teens to one of their private island. Of course, I'll be the one responsible for you guys, so no parents will be needed."

"That's the most perfect birthday present!" I cheer. "But, wait," I frown from a thought. "What about my parents? Won't they be going on the trip with us?" I ask sadly.

"You'll be eighteen soon, so they want you to enjoy your transition from a teenager to an adult. They will only be with you in New York, so you can have the last couple of days as a teen with your friends," Neo seems to notice my saddened state as I fells a thin blanket being put over my shoulder by one of his arms. "I'll be there with you. I'll update on your parents every time you request."

"Thank you, Neo. You don't know how much you mean to me," I hug the blanket and silently eat my burger.


Sorry for the short chapter. I'll be very busy for the next three weeks, but I'll still try my best to update.

What do you think will happen in this trip?

Small spoiler; this is where we'll start to see Yandere Neo.

Please don't forget vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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