31 🧬

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Two years ago

"Good morning Mr. Hayes," Carson Maxwell, one of the developers of the new AI technology greets his friend.

"Morning Max. How're things?" John Hayes replies.

"The usual you know, just looking over coding," Carson sighs, feeling tired, even though it's the first thing in the morning.

"Oh yes, the boring part of the job," They both chuckle and take their seats in front of the many computer screens. Although the main goal of the project is done, they still have to be on the lookout for malfunctions. The reason being that the machine, the AI evolves as days go by, learning new things, either from the internet or human behavior from observations.

"How are things with the girls?" Carson pulls a conversation.

"Things are good. I wish I spent more time with them though. Elizabeth has been a bit more distant but I think it's because of my absence. She is still growing and it would be best if I were with her throughout this time," John vents, feeling stress and guilt eating him up every time he leaves home before his daughter wakes up and arrives after she falls asleep.

"She's just being a little brat. You know, when things don't go her way she gets upset. But don't worry, she will give up being upset and come running into your arms. She's a good kid. And you need to take a break once in a while," Carson suggests.

"Easy for you being single all this time," John teases.

"What can I say, I'm too picky," Carson shrugs, smirking.

"Or cheers for the other team," John laughs, dodging a slap from his friend.

"I'm not gay," They both break the tension with a laugh, resuming work. Their eyes moved from line to line of coding, checking if there were any mistakes or parts missing, and how it was developing. "It has been a while since I've gone to your place. Is Neo still working well there? How is he with Elizabeth?"

"The house has never been cleaner and the food is delicious. Although I tell my wife her's is better so she doesn't leave me. She does feel useless in the house, having nothing to do, so I asked Neo to leave some places dirty or tell her he can't cook a meal for the day. And with Lizzie, he is her best friend. She does have Jordan but the poor girl can't live at the house. Even if he is all over the place, literally, he takes time and effort to be with her, does what she asks, and play with her. And I appreciate that a lot."

John smiles fondly as he thinks of his daughter. She does have friends, human friends, yet she trusts and spends more time with the AI. He is very proud and grateful he was able to do such a thing, for both technological advances, fame, but also for his daughter's happiness.

For the rest of the day they chatted and worked, drinking lots of coffee to keep their eyes open. There were also meetings and a conference about the advancements achieved. Carson kept noticing John had dark circles appearing under his eyes and some white hair. Stress has been eating his friend out and he wanted him to spend some quality time with his family. So he went and did all his work and half of John's when he wasn't around or looking.

"Looks like everything is over for you for today... and for the next three days as well," Carson walks up to John who is signing some papers. He stops, slowly looking up to his friend with a suspicious look in his eyes. "And it's four in the afternoon, young Elizabeth will be very happy to see her father come home early."

"You damn bastard, you did all my work to get rid of me, didn't you?" John wasn't angry at his friend, rather annoyed as he knew he tried too hard to make the married man, the father spend time with his family and not think of himself first.

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