32 🧬

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Somewhat and somehow I managed to hold it. Neo had lowered the vibrations enough for me to return to my friends. However, he would spice things up by moving one of the vibrators further down my canal and the other up to the front. At one point it even moved out of me and snaked between my nether lips and bundle of nerves.

I seriously could've been mistaken for a tomato at one point when it got too much, making me lean against Daniel - who was the closest to me - and clutch his thigh. That was when it all stopped. My phone vibrated and two words displayed on my screen.

You win.

Back at the apartment, Alice hadn't returned and it was getting late. As usual, Alex fell on the couch and was out like a light. Jennifer went to her room to walk back and forth, muttering how worried she was about our friend. Daniel sat by Alex's limp body on the couch, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

I went straight to the bathroom to try and take my ring and vibrator out of me. As soon as I got into the bathroom, I took off my clothes and slipped inside the shower. The ring fell on the marble floor with a metal ding, however, the second one didn't follow.

"Neo, can you please take it out of me?" I whimper, pushing two of my fingers inside me, fiddling around to try and find the other vibrator. However, because of the lack of any penetration, the amount of stretching my fingers are doing stings quite a lot. There was no response other than the shower water heated up, burning my skin. I yelped and jumped away from the scalding water. "What the hell!"

I leave the shower, taking one of the fluffy towels, and forget about taking the small object from inside me. Nothing that comes up in my mind explains why Neo is like this. Was it because I held it in? Are his systems malfunctioning? I hope it's the latter so I won't feel like it is my fault.

When night came, Alice was still nowhere to be found. Jennifer threatened to call the cops at one point. Alex managed to calm her down and put her to sleep. Daniel hadn't moved from his place on the couch, his face held a pained and nauseated expression when I walked by.

Something inside me stirred and I took a seat next to him, doing as slowly and as gentle as possible so I didn't wake him up. Not a surprise, he opened his eyelids and looked at me from the side of his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, worried.

"Nothing more than some abdominal pain," His voice is gruff as he groans when he wiggles a bit to get more comfortable.

"I can get some painkillers if you'd like, or make some tea," I offer.

"There's no need, thanks," He sighs and closes his eyes again. "Can I..." His voice was soft, weak. "May I lay my head on you?"

"Uh-" This takes me completely off guard. My heart skips a beat when I hear those words, unable to process them. For whatever reason, even if he broke my heart, I can't be mean to him. He didn't know better, he didn't know I liked him, so there is no reason for me to be resentful. "Yes, yes you may."

With some groans and faces of discomfort, Daniel moves closer and lays his heavy head on my shoulder, letting out a sigh of relief. My body was as stiff as a board, unmoving.

"No need to be tense, I won't bite," He chuckles softly, clearly noticing my rigid form. I take a deep breath and relax my body, melting into Daniel's warm side. "There you go," His sleepy voice made my body feel tired. His hand moved over to mine – which rested on lap – intertwining our fingers together as we both slipped into the dreamland.

I wake up with a heavy weight over me, unabling me to breathe properly. The apartment is dark, the only source of light is from the never-sleeping city. Beams of light came and went as cars passed by the streets below. The weight above me was a heat source, warming me up more and more.

With the lights from outside, I get a glimpse at Daniel's dark hair tickling my exposed chest and neck. This made me fully awake in a matter of seconds. One of his arms rested next to my side, next to my ribs, and the other held my hip. His face was perched between my breasts as he softly breathed, sound asleep.

My hands were placed one over his back and the other over his head, with his hair between my fingers. They trembled with the smoothness of his silky hair slithering between each finger. My hand begged me to move it, to comb his dark hair.

"I'm sorry," A husky voice, full of sleep, came from Daniel. Goosebumps appeared across my skin when his chest vibrated against my body.

"What for?" I whispered back, still paralyzed with uncertainty and stun.

"What happened with Alice, in the plane," My mood soured and I no longer wanted him to lay on me.

"You two are close and had a nice time. I had and have no say in that," My voice went from caring and cautious to cold and dismissive. Daniel moved his head and laid his chin on my sternum.

"We are close, but not that close. You won't believe me when I say this but- it just happened," Before I could push him off, his voice broke, halting my movements.

"What do you mean, Daniel?" My right hand cupped his check as his arms moved to my sides to hold me closer.

"Alice said there was a cool feature in one of the rooms, so I went with her," He begins talking, his glistening eyes looking away from me. "Then the door closed behind us, but Alice was unfazed. She told me to lay on the bed and that something would happen. Then the air smelled sweet and she was on top of me. It wasn't my initial thought or idea, but it just happened. I asked if she smelled something different, but she kept advancing on me. Then the light went off and I don't remember much of what happened, just that I woke up naked and with a painful stomach ache."

"Did she- did Alice ra-"

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I mean-" His voice broke once again, sounding like he was on the verge of crying. "At one point I wanted it too. But it wasn't my mind that did, it was my body," A lone tear fell down his cheek as his eyes met mine once again.

"I believe you," I smiled softly at him, feeling guilty to blame him for something he had no control over. "And I am sorry this happened to you. If I had known-"

"You couldn't have. It is not your fault," Daniel raises his body to hover mine, moving his warm hands to cup my cheeks, closing the distance from our faces. "I've had a thing for you for a couple of months now, but I never had the courage to do or say anything. And I think this is my best chance."

This cannot be happening. Is this a dream? This has got to be a dream.

"I-I-" I clear my throat. "I don't know what to say," I whisper with full honesty.

"I'll say it for you," He leans down and meets my lips with his.


Shit went down. Truth has gone out and new questions arise.

Sorry for the late update. I'll be time skipping a bit more so the story doesn't take to long to end.

Make sure to follow me for my wonderful messages.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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