35 🧬

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A very brief warning, idk why. There's sex in this chapter.

Loud whispering and shushing woke me from my dreams. I groaned and shifted under the covers, causing the noises to cease, only for it to come back louder. My eyes peeled open, letting the bright, morning sun rays blind me for a second. Before I could make out the blurry figures around my bed, signing started.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Elizabeth, happy birthday to you!" The voices of Jennifer, Alex, and Daniel ripped the sleep out of me. Finally being able to see properly, my three friends stood at the edge of my bed, and Jennifer was the one holding a sponge cake with strawberry and cream. My favorite.

"Thank you, guys!" I jump out of bed and hug each one, taking extra care not to smoosh the delicious cake. "I'll eat this later. It's too early for now," I take the cake from her hand and place it on my desk.

"I had to keep these two from eating it," Jennifer gave a pointed look at the two boys who stared at the floor shamefully. "They managed to get a strawberry or two though," She points at the side of the cake where it looked to be missing strawberries.

"Let them be. Just the two of us will eat the cake later today," I winked at the boys and skipped over to my closet. The trio had left by the time I was out of my closet with changed clothes. I find them sitting at the living room table, waiting for me. The table is full of food, from fresh fruits to cupcakes.

"What is the plan for today?" Alex asks with his mouth stuffed with pancakes, and surprisingly I understand him.

"I hadn't really planned what we would be doing. But we can play games in the gaming room and let breakfast digest. Then go to the pool, cook a nice barbecue, play more games, and watch some movies in the movie room," I suggest, planning as I speak.

"Sounds good for me!" Jennifer exclaims, slapping the table in excitement.

"Me too," Daniel agrees after cringing from the loud sound.

"There are jet skis on the yacht if you boys want to use them," An exciting look takes over their faces, and they burst out in cheers.

"Fuck digestion, I'll go out of a spin right now!" Alex shoves the rest of the pancakes along with Daniel, and soon after, they are out of the living room, bumping into each other in the process.

"Boys," Jennifer sighs, and we both chuckle. As I predicted, the boys did a swoop of the yacht and didn't find the jet skis, needing to come to me for help. After I showed them where they were and how to put on and out of the water, I never saw the boys so happy.

Jennifer and I made ourselves comfortable on the couches at the bow of the boat, watching the boys have fun in the open ocean waters. We got ourselves some snacks to nibble on as we watched the boys fall on the water here and there. The sun was gaining edging closer to the very top, warming me up. When it becomes too hot, that will be when I jump into the pool.

I have this weird habit where I only enter a pool with direct sunlight. Aside from during the night, where the weather is perfect and so is the water, a cold pool with a scalding sun is the perfect combination.

"Why don't we change into our bikinis and get some tan?" Jennifer offers.

"Let's go then," We go our separate ways to our rooms, coincidentally coming out at the same time. Her bikini was a pale orange with small fringes over it, and mine had the bottom piece being a halter ladder cut out white and blue.

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