13 🧬

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"AAH!" I screamed when a panel appeared in front of me with Neo's smiley face. "Goddamnit! My stupid self got me caught," I whine and banged my head on the cabinet wall behind me. "Ouch, that hurt," I whine and rub my head.

"I'm sorry. It's just a small bump, it will go away in a couple of hours," I glare at the smiley face that winked at me but dodged when I tried to hit it. "You know that my screen is fragile," Neo warned me but I didn't care.

"Like I give a fuck," I tried to hit it again but the screen simply went inside the wall and the hole it came closed. "Hey! Come back here, you coward!" I slapped the closed hatch, only to get shocked. "Not fair," I pouted and opened the cabinet door.

Buckets, brooms, and multiple products were on the floor, making it almost impossible for me to get to the door. I started pushing the things on the floor with my foot until they were stuck and I couldn't move.

"Neo, can you like... help me here?" I gesture to the mess on the floor. Hatches on the walls opened with a smooth "swoosh" sound and metal arms came inside and fixed everything in less than one minute. "Thank you," I thanked him and walked out the cleaning room.

The lights were back on, but there was no noise or voices from my friends. I stood still for a couple of seconds before shrugging and heading to the living room. I found my friends chatting there but I noticed both Daniel and Alex were missing.

"Guys, where are the boys?" I ask walking over to both girls.

"Oh, Alex had a family emergency and he asked Daniel to go with him. They said they were sorry but would get you some presents next time they see you," Alice explains with a sad smile.

"Oh, okay," I say in disappointment, wanting for them to at least say that to me. "Do you know what family emergency is it about?" I ask taking a sit on the couch close to them.

"Something about Alex's little sister. You know she has some mental problems and she really likes Daniel," I nod and look down. I hope she gets better, I really like her.

"So what do you want to do now?" I ask fiddling with my fingers.

"Firstly, did you win or lose the hide and seek?" Jennifer asks giving me a weird looking smile.

"I lost," I sag on my seat, feeling defeated. "I was hiding in the cleaning room, and when the time was almost up I hit my hand on the roof of the cabinet and everything on top feel onto the floor. And freaking Neo scared the hell out of me," I glare at the corner of the living as I would most likely be glaring at one of his cameras.

"I apologize for that, though it was quite entertaining," The girls laugh and I just roll my eyes.

"I like him," Alice smirks in my direction. "Neo," She calls and I know exactly what she was asking for by the mischievous look on her face. "Do you have Liz getting scared recorded?"

I grabbed the pillow next to me and threw on her face.

"Yes, do you want to see it?"


"Yes!" Both Alice, Jennifer and I say at the same time.

"No! They don't want to see it!" I plead trying to find a bigger camera to glare at.

"Stop being a party pooper," Jennifer slaps my arm and I hiss at her.

"I will not show today as Elizabeth doesn't want it, but maybe later," I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke. I was relieved but a bit mad at him.

"Yay!" Alice cheered. "Now for your question of what we should do," She turned to the two of us with a cunning look on her face, and I knew it wasn't something good. "How about we watch Fifty Shades of Grey?"


Short ass chapter, but I left you guys hanging for too long.

I promise to update soon as I just wanted this to be a filler chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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