34 🧬

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I woke up to a start. The sky was dark behind the glass windows, aside from the moon's white glow reflecting on the ocean's waves. The room was dark, with only small lights between detailed crevices in the wall illuminating the corners. Not surprisingly, I don't feel hungry at all and am sure not to feel until tomorrow.

As my eyes adjust to the dark, my mind goes back to a couple of hours ago, when I saw a figure standing over me, with its hand touching my face. That voice.... sounded just like Neo. I'm probably imagining things.

Other than the hum of the boat's engine and the waves crashing onto the bow, I am surrounded by a peaceful silence. And that peaceful silence is short-lived when my door slams open with Jennifer being the culprit.

"Took you long enough to wake up," She teases. "Come on, let's go skinny dipping," Her words make me choke with my own saliva. "Hey, hey," She comes over and pats my back, trying to help me breathe again. "Just the two of us. I check on the boys, and they are dead asleep," Her offer goes over my head again and again as I think over the possible embarrassing outcomes.

"Alright," She squeals in excitement. "But I am taking my bikini underwater," That was my condition. No matter what I did with Neo, I wasn't comfortable being naked around no one.

"I'll be waiting for you then," With that, she zips out of my room, leaving me alone in the dark again. Ten minutes later, I had washed my face, put my bikini on, and stared at myself in the mirror for half of the time.

It is just Jennifer. She's nice. She's a good friend. So why am I nervous? I know it's not about being naked around her. Do I miss Neo? Will he talk to me again if he sees me naked?

I shake my head vigorously, trying to get such thoughts out of my head. Why was I thinking of using my body? This isn't me. Not wanting to make Jennifer wait any longer, I exit my bedroom with a fluffy white towel around me. I find my friend floating about on the infinity pool – thankfully wearing her bikini. The last thing I wanted to come across was Jennifer's bare ass floating.

"The water is just perfect. Get in already," She floats down to stand and hurries me. I stay still for a second or two, contemplating my life decision, then I throw my towel on one of the sunbathing chairs and slowly go down the pool stairs. Jennifer lowers her body all the way to the bottom of her nose as she watches me get used to the water.

Once in the water, we both swim to the tip of the pool, where it gives that infinity look. I take our moment of tranquility to observe the vast ocean. There was only water until the eyes could see. I've never felt so isolated yet not alone. The ones that cared about me were here on the same boat, and even if it was a big one, I felt them close.

"Do you have bubbles or jets in this pool? Could you ask Neo to turn them on?" Jennifer breaks the silence and asks.

"Yeah, there are, but-" My chest feels heavy just thinking about Neo. Although he does all the work of controlling the entire yacht, there were manual controls onboard. There was a panel next to the door that leads to a corridor inside for the water jets. I swim to the edge of the pool, ready to push myself out of the water when a voice I thought I wouldn't hear again speaks.

"Do you want the bubbles on low, medium, or high level?" I blame the water for the stinging in my eye, keeping my back turned to Jennifer.

"Medium, please," She answers cheerfully. From the pool walls, the water jets push through the water and create movement along with small waves. "Thank you," My body fills with something I didn't think I would feel given the situation. Jealousy. Jealousy that Neo responded and did what Jennifer asked, but when I pleaded for him to say or do anything, I was ignored.

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