11 🧬

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"Food's here!" I shout when I see the panel on the side of the room gets notified.

"Thank God, I'm starving," Alex says rubbing his belly.

"Do you guys want to eat here or in the dining room?" I ask.

"Eat here, so that we can watch a movie or series," Alice says and I nod. I knew Neo heard us and I just waited for the food to come. A hatch opened on the wall and our food came sliding in.

 A hatch opened on the wall and our food came sliding in

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(Imagine three of this)

"I think I'm drooling," Daniel comments. Alex taps his face and laughs when he gets a glare as a response.

"Do you want soy sauce or teriyaki?" Neo asks. I giggle when Alex jumps at his sudden voice.

"You can bring both, thank you," An arm comes down from the ceiling and hands me the soy sauce and teriyaki bottle.

"Why do you say 'thank you' and 'please' to Neo? Isn't he like a program or something?" Jennifer asks cautiously.

"Yeah, he is. But I don't lose anything by being nice. He is very advanced and can share some feelings. He gets sad, happy, angry, simple emotions," I say shrugging. They nod and start eating the delicious sushi.

Each of us ended up eating fifteen pieces and I was secretly wanting more, so I texted Neo to order some more for me so I ate them when I was alone.

"Do you guys want to play Mario Kart? I have the Nintendo Switch one," I suggest. They nod eagerly. "The maximum players is four, so one of us will stay out during the races. We switch with the loser."

The first races, which I chose six, was me with Rosalina, Alice with Cat Peach, Alex with Toad, and Jennifer with Mario. Daniel went to the bathroom so we left him out for now.

"Let's bet on who is going to win," Alice says. "I bet-"

"I'll be the winner," Alex cuts her off.

"Fuck off, I'm the master in Mario Kart. You three are losers," Jennifer boasts.

"Maybe I'll win," I say shrugging.

"Whoever loses will have to..." Alex trails off not knowing what to do.

"To hide from Neo," I say. They look at me with a 'you okay?' face. "He knows where someone is by an image from the camera, heat signature, night vision, heart rate, hormonal release-" I stop listing things when they stare at me in boredom. "But, I turn him off, hide, and have someone turn him on, he needs to locate me with some kind of camera. So one of us will hide when he is turned off and make sure to stay hidden for five minutes."

"Can't he like, hear us?" Alex asks.

"Only if he located you."

"But don't you have cameras all over every room?"

"Not all, my parents' room, for example, closets, not the walk-ins, bathrooms, drawers," I say.

"And what about his arms. Do they have cameras of sense of touch?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Let's do this. Is not like you guys have any other ideas," They think for a bit before agreeing.

"What are you guys talking about?" Daniel says once he comes back.

"Go to that panel," I point to the one I ordered food. "Neo, play him what we decided to do to the loser." He walks over to the panel which lights up with text. "After you're done you can sit down with us," I turn around and face the screen.

We start the game with the first race track being the Yoshi Valley. Different from other tracks, this one had many paths that lead to the finish line, meaning you had to choose for the shortest one to win.

"Do we get something if we win the hide and seek?" Daniel asks as he sits down.

"A hundred bucks," I say. The race begins and I concentrate on it.

"But what if you lose the race, and win the game?"

"Food," I respond not taking my eyes off the screen. My character goes inside the cave path where bats come down from the ceiling and fly to the sky.

"I want food," I hear Jennifer mumble to herself.

"Oh, you're good," Daniel comments and scoots closer to me. My heart skipped a bit, both in a good and bad way. "Alex you suck," He shouts over to Alex who was seated on the other side of the couch. He gets a finger as a response, making us laugh.

Somehow the laughing distracted me, and I fell from second place to tenth. I bit my lip in concentration and grabbed a box. The item was being chosen when I picked the rocked one. I clicked on the button of the controller and changed to the item.

I cheered as I went by everyone, ending up in first place.

"That's unfair," Alice whined. "That thing isn't supposed to go that far," I shrug and giggle at her pout.

"I won! I won!" I stand up and make a little victory dance. The other three groaned while Daniel chuckled.

"You won nothing, we still have five more tracks to go," Alex gives me a playful glare before looking at the loading screen.

"Bro, you were last on this race, you'll have to hide from a house," Daniel teases Alex.

"Shut up."

"You two babies be quiet, the race is starting," Alice slaps the back of Alex's head who glares at her.



We finished the races with lots of laughs and hits, from Alice and Alex, but in the end, we knew one of us had to hide in the house.

"Well, well, well, guess you are going to win hide and seek now, loser," Daniel smirks.


New chapter, yay! Sorry if it's shorter, I have too many school stuff to do.

Who do you guys want to be the loser?

Guys, I love sushi so damn much I almost ate my computer- kidding, I didn't. But I was starving when I chose that picture.

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