23 🧬

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"We've arrived at Alice's house," Neo announces as I feel the car park. After almost blinding me, Neo closed the car's blackout blinds, leaving me in a sleepy state which the only reason I didn't succumb to sleep was the electronic music in the background. "I just sent them a message of our arrival, and I see quite some movement inside the house."

"Stop snooping people's houses Neo. Let at least them have privacy," I groaned. The TV to my side popped open and Neo's usually green, pixelated happy face had a thin line in place of its smile.

"You think I take your privacy away?" Even with a robotic voice, I could still hear the emotion in it.

"You mostly do but my privacy consists of you being there, I don't feel as if my privacy is being violated or taken away," I shrugged. "I'm happy I get to have you with me, every second, the company is nice," I stretched my hand and touched the screen. The thin line turned into a smile and the TV slid back to its place.

"Your friends are running toward the car," The door I came in through opened, letting the bright sunlight, followed by screeching and the sound of a body hitting the car.

"Ow! Jennifer, what the fuck!" Alice cries out. I sit up and scoot to the side until I'm seated in front of the door. Peaking my head out I see Alice holding her nose with her hands as Jeniffer is holding back a chuckle.

"What happened?" I ask, holding back my own laughter.

"Fucking Jennifer ran into me, making me hit my face on this fancy-ass car," Alice explains, initially glaring at Jennifer before moving her eyes to the car.

"You can put your bags in the front and come here," I say pointing at their four bags. "Which I think you guys went a bit overboard."

"Overboard? Sweetie, I need to have clothes for every occasion that might happen, even if they don't," I rolled my eyes at Alice and went back to my original spot, laying down and closing my eyes.

Five, four, three, two, one...

"Holy shit! The interior is way cooler than the inside!" Jennifer exclaimed as she came inside the vehicle. Her mouth was wide opened as she took in every luxuries detail. "I'll gladly move in here," She mumbled to herself, making me chuckle.

"Holy mother of God! This car is worth more than my life!" Alice came next, jumping inside in record speed and bumping into Jennifer, making her fall on her face on the seat.

"Fucking bitch," Jennifer pushed her off.

"Revenge motherfucker," Alice smacked her butt and scooted to the other side of the car. This all the while I was laughing my ass off. "Is Jordan coming?" The door closed and the car started moving.

"No, she didn't respond to my messages, nor answered any of my calls," I sighed sadly. I really miss my best friend, but if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore, I won't force her.

"Aww, I wanted her to come, I'm sure she would've loved it," Alice says sadly. "But if she got an invitation it's her problem for not coming," She gave a shrug and scooted closer to my head as I laid. "So what's the plan?" Her face hovered over mine, making me giggle from how weird she was looking.

"First," I pushed her head away and sat up. "We need to pick up the boys," The car vibrates more than it normally does, but it was only for a split second. "Then we head to the airport."

"I bet twenty dollars by the time we get to Daniel's house they are gonna be either sleeping or still getting ready," Jennifer said, making the three of us giggle.

"I ain't betting anything, I'm too broke for that," Alice raised her hands.

"Actually, I wanted to tell you guys this after we picked up the boys, but my parents have two thousand dollars in our apartment in New York for each of you to spend as much as you want," Their mouths hang open at what I just said, making it very hard for me not to laugh.

In the blink of an eye the jump one me and hug me very tightly.

"You are the best friend ever Liz!" They both shout next to my ears as I grin happily. As much as I don't like to show people how rich my parents are, I love to give for my friends, hoping they don't feel poor as I do it.

"It's nothing guys, my parents want us to go in a shopping spree before we go to the island," I wrap my arms around them as they don't seem to want to let go.

"Which, for entertainment purposes, you will be taken by a yacht the way there. The trip is long, about ten days. So Elizabeth's birthday will be celebrated in the boat, with the time on the island, which is located in the Bahamas, will be of four days," Neo announces, giving the two girls a small spook.

"Can I live with you," Alice asks randomly, making us three giggle.

"There are plenty of rooms in my house, you can bring your parents too," I say half-joking and half-serious. I need to check with my parents first.

"We've arrived at Daniel's house," The car suddenly stopped, making our group hug fall to the side.

"Woah, Neo," I giggled. "Can you see what they are doing?"

"I thought you didn't want me to invade other people's privacy," He spoke in a matter of fact tone only I could discern.

"I know but, it's not invading privacy when you want to see what they are doing," I know I'm being a hypocrite but whatever. "Just look out the window," The was a pause of a couple of minutes before Neo spoke once more.

"They are at the door," The car door opened and I stepped outside to greet the boys.

"Hey guys," I waved at them and they waved back.

"Nice ride," Alex smirked.

"Do we get to drive it?" Daniel questions amused.

"No, it's self-driving," They both give disappointed looks but they soon turn to smile as they get inside the car after putting their bags in the front seats. "Now, to the airport."


Sorry for the shitty chapter. I thought I couldn't keep you guys waiting any longer for an update. Once I finish with The Indoraptor updates will be more regular.

This was more of a filler chapter, I guess. I have some plans for when they are in the air.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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