17 🧬

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"Ms. Hayes!" My history teacher calls out.

"Yes, Mr. Jones?" My cheeks heat up in embarrassment when I feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Please do stop daydreaming in my class. If you don't get at least a B- in the next test, no amount of money will make you pass my class," The students chuckle at his remark. "Silence the rest of you," Some of the students continue to snicker while the rest quiets down.

I, unfortunately, wasn't doing so good in History, and today was a revision for the test tomorrow. The events from yesterday keep replaying in my head, making me very distracted to everything around me.

After Neo... after what happened, I was exhausted and slept right after what happened. I woke up this morning with Alice and Jennifer snoring like pigs, right next to my ears.

It took us twenty minutes to get out of bed, ten to eat breakfast Neo cooked for us, and thirty to get ready. In conclusion, we were late by ten minutes, and Jennifer sat uncomfortably on Alice's lap as the Lycan car was the only car already out of the garage.

"Ms. Hayes," My teacher called me again.

"Yes?" I got ready for either get sent to detention or have him embarrass me again.

"What is the full name for the Nazis? Their political party," He explained further when I didn't understand him at first.

"Umm, National Socialist German Worker's Party, mistakenly thought to be right-wing," I say loud enough for him to hear.

"Good. Everyone knows the atrocities the Nazi's did to-" My mind goes back to yesterday. Since then, I barely spoke to Neo and felt guilty about it.

He is just a computer program with very human responses. He was just trying to help me when I was helpless, so I shouldn't be ignoring him. These are the times I'm more than glad he isn't a person. Besides, if he were human, he wouldn't be able to pleasure me as he did.

Why do I want more? Maybe because it felt so good and it was my first time.

Oh god, my first time feeling that kind of pleasure was with a computer program using a metal-tentacle arm thing. What am I going to tell my kids when they are of age?!


"Class dismissed," I put my stuff away and head to the cafeteria, as on cue my stomach growls.

"Gosh, I'm starving," I mumble to myself as I grab a tray and get in line.

"Hey girl," I turn around and see Alice smiling at me.

"Hi Alice," I smile back. "Where's Jennifer?" I ask when I notice she is alone.

"Oh, she stayed in class to talk to the teacher about some work she missed," I nod and grab some food as it is my turn.

"Thank you," I smile to the cafeteria ladies before walking to our usual seats. Daniel and Alex were already there, and at the end of the table, sat Jordan. She wasn't talking to either of them; instead, she was ignoring them completely, as well as all of the students.

"What's up with her?" Alice comes to my side as we walk to the table with a worried face.

"I don't know. She's still probably still upset from yesterday. Which is unreasonable because I'm the one that should be upset, not her."

"Hello, ladies. Long time no see," Daniel says smugly as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Any interesting things you want to gossip to us about yesterday?" Alex butts in. "Oh, sorry Elizabeth, for leaving without notifying you. It's just that you were hiding and we really needed to go," Alex goes from bad boy aura to an apologetic one.

"It's okay," I waved him off once I place my tray on the table and take a seat. "We had girls time, which was... great, and wouldn't have happened if you guys were there."

"True. You boys would be either complaining or asking too many questions," I turn to my side when I hear Jennifer speak. "Sorry guys, I was just talking to a teacher."

"So what did you guys do?" Alex asks.

"We talked a bit, then we watched Fifty Shades of Grey," I grimaced when I saw the mischievous looks form onto the boys' faces.

"Did you girls perhaps, got a bit, freaky with each other?" Daniel suggests with a smirk.

"Ew! No! What goes inside that disgusting head of yours?!" Jennifer exclaimed but rose her hand right after with a look of disgust on her face. "You know what, we don't need to know."

"We just thought that when girls got horny, they would get relieved with each other, nothing much," Daniel shrugs, earning a slap on his arm by Alice. "Ow!" He turns to glare at her.

"We did nothing of the sorts you pervert," She scoffed. "Of course there were scenes we would get turned on, but only went to relieve ourselves in the bathroom when it got too much. Well, at least Jennifer and I."

When Alice said that everything I was trying to forget came rushing into my mind, making my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Aww, how cute. Our dear Liz is still so innocent. Not only her mind but body as well," All of us turn to look at the person we least expected to hear from.



Shorter chapter equals quicker updates guys.

This was a boring chapter, I know. But I do hope you guys liked it nonetheless.

Things will start to heat up in a bit. Some of you want Yandere Neo, and I say this to you: he's coming, I promise he is. I want to develop him and the story before he shows Yandere sings.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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