30 🧬

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Some people were having a hard time reading the text messages. They will have a larger space between them and Neo's (bold and italic) or Ellizabeth's thoughts/speeches. The contact of the person they are texting is in bold, (if its Ellizabeth's POV, it will say Neo, and if it is Neo's POV, it will say My darling) Neo's reply is in italic, and Ellizabeth's texts are regular text. If anyone has any more doubts, feel free to ask.

My sweet darling's enjoyable picnic will turn into one of pleasure and punishment. If she thinks she can threaten me in any way, she is terribly wrong. I don't mind at all showing who is in charge of who. On the contrary, I revel in it.

To watch her at my complete mercy only makes my circuits the more excited. Oh, my darling, I will give you the single best birthday present on that yacht. It is already waiting for you. You will have so much fun with it, and your annoying friends won't be there to distract you. Not for long anyway.

Activate vibrator [1] or [2]

Vibrator selected [1]

The only way I was able to listen to her was through her phone. Though the audio wasn't as good as I would like it to be, it was still perfect for listening to her struggles. From afar, using the skyscrapers' security cameras, I had a perfect view of her from many different angles.

Her body jolted at the sudden vibration inside her, clearly confused. It was different from her ring, made personally by me. It was two times the size of a standard supplement pill, with a small yet powerful motor that could create any type of vibrations. It also had small flagella-like tails on the outside to help move around and flick over sensitive areas, as well as retract inside.

"Liz, did you apply sunscreen? Your face is a little bit red," The Jennifer girl commented, clearly noticing my darling's response.

"I may have missed or forgotten my face," Oh, how adorable your excuse is, darling.

Intensify vibrator [1]

Intensity added [+10]

Just a little bit more to tease you, my darling. You have no idea how much I love your blush.

"It must be something else," The poor excuse of a boy – Daniel – commented. "Sunburns only appear after a few hours or the next day," Hmm, perhaps he is not as dumb as I thought. "Something is fluttering her. Is it something you ate, Elizabeth?" The worry coming out of his voice is anything but sickening to me. It makes my circuits want to fry, and my arms rip him apart, limb by limb.

"I am fine. Maybe the food is too good since I am hungry," To contribute to her reasoning, she takes one of small caviar-covered toast. Convinced of her argument, the trio shrug and go back to chatting with each other. "I'm going to stretch my legs and see if Alice made it back to the apartment," My darling had a hard time standing up with the pleasurable vibrations inside her.

Wobbling about the less perceptive she could, with her phone in hands, she made her way over to the bridge – where no one was crossing over for the time being. She proceeds to lean against the wooden railing and unlocking her phone,

Soon enough, I get a text from her.

My darling

Neo, stop this right now!!

I am sorry, darling. But this is your punishment for thinking you can threaten me

Be thankful I am kind enough only to have it on a low level

I could have you squirming about as your friends and anyone who passed by watching it

I can tell by her reaction of squeezing her thighs, as well as other bodily fluids readings; my threats turned her on.

My darling

Please Neo

If you have to do this, do it at home

This will be your punishment, and this is final

And for more entertaining purposes, as well as increasing the punishment for misbehaving as receiving it, I will add another surprise

My sweet darling, when will you understand that your defiance will only bring me the pleasure only I can give you? Hehe, I hope not soon enough.

Activate vibrator [1] or [2]

Vibrator selected [2 or Ring]

Motion Level [1-200]

Motion Level selected [+20]

Her eyes closed tightly as more movement was added in her warm canal.

My darling

You can't come unless I tell you to

If you do, worse is waiting for you back at the apartment

If you hold it like a good girl, I will reward you

I turn her screen black and disabled her touchscreen, still enabling me to hear her sharp breaths and struggle. The first vibrator was doing its job with the help of the tails around it, gradually going around her sensitive area, but never touch. Not yet.

The snake ring was doing a different job. The curling and uncurling motion, along with the biting, was a different kind of stimulus. Even in such a small robot, it had enough Ambien that would cause her testosterone (yes, women have that hormone, just way less than men) to increase her sexual drive and give a little of a euphoric feeling for a short time.

"Oh, god, fuck. Neo, please," Elizabeth pleas are music to my ear – excuse me – my microphones.

I'm not sure if I want her to hold it or not. Either way, I will have so much fun.


More Neo POV. I hope you guys liked it. And as you all know, the computer stuff is not accurate in ANY WAY, I'm too dumb about that topic.

I know it's shorter than the last chapter, but I'm writing this from 8 pm to 2 am (as of the day and time I'm posting), so bear with me.

So what do you guys think is going (or want) to happen?

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Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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